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How To Keep Your Cat Healthy And Happy

28 10:51:17
If you are a cat lover, you would want your feline pet to have an enjoyable life and a long one. Most cat owners already know the basics of taking care of their pet. But not as many know what to do in order to keep them healthy and living for a long time.

So what are the key points that should be taken note of? It starts with providing a good home for the cat to live in. Some might go for elaborate setups, but a simple cat bed with soft blankets is often enough to start with.

Cats are well known for being fussy about hygiene, although usually in their own way. How about making things easier for them by cleaning the bed and blanket? Since dust mites and fleas might come from other areas in your home, be sure to keep those areas dirt free as well.

A cat's diet has a large contribution to the number of years it might end up living. One should not that cats are originally meat lovers and their natural diets rarely contain any plants. This should be taken into consideration for domesticated felines.

It is perhaps this little known fact that there are many cat owners who continue to feed cat 'health food' to them. These are usually in the form of grains, biscuits or cereals which are not necessarily bad, but are not suitable for the little animals.

So in order to give your cat what it needs most, go for fresh meat products that have been manufactured for them specifically. Alternatively you can prepare your own with fish or other types of meat. They thrive on animal protein and not synthetically produced forms of life's building blocks.

There are also canned cat foods which are meat based and suitable for consumption. However, they have additives to ensure a longer shelf life. Fresh meat is your best option and vegetable based foods should only be given as a last resort.

With these three points in mind, it should be considerable enough to help keep your cat healthy and keeping you company for a long time to come. They might be more particular about their hygiene and nutritional needs, but it should hardly be an effort for someone you love so much.