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How to Discover and Stop Aquarium Diseases

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Most fishes can live long and healthy lives as long as suitable living conditions are provided. In fact, one of the highest chances for fish owners to experience fish loss is mainly due to the occurrence of common fish diseases.

One common fish disease is ICH. This is a type of fish disease whereby the affected fish has white colored spots all over the body. When a fish is sick it is important to check for those white spots of the size and shape of the grains of salt over its skin. Such a affliction is caused by Ichthyophthirius in tanks containing freshwater and Cryptocaryon antigens in the saltwater tanks. ICH may affect the eyes and the insides of the mouth and gills of the fish besides the body of the fish.

Should there be strange behaviors and signs such as a difficulty in breathing and a gasping for oxygen, or even a constant need for the fish to scrape its body along other objects, a likely cause would be ICH. A disinterest in food is another sign along with the indicators already mentioned earlier. The fishes seldom can fight ICH by themselves. Copper sulfur medication needs to be administered in order that they can be cured. Antibiotic medication should be provided after the parasites are gone, in order to prevent them from recurring.

Velvet is a common bacteria with very similar signs to ICH, however, the spots on the body of the fish is smaller and dustier. Sometimes the spots may be gray or gold in color. The spots will be tinier and so they are more difficult to spot and attention should be paid to this aspect. Fishes that have contracted Velvet display similar symptoms to ICH, and will abrade itself against objects or show difficulty in breathing by trying to gulp in air near the surface of the water especially if the gills are infected. As with ICH, vets would generally advocate the use of copper medication as a form of treatment for Velvet.

A fungal infection may also develop quite commonly in fishes which appear in gray or white color over the body of the fish. This will be sighted in the fins or the mouths of the fish. Another reason for such a disease is when fishes are are harmed by other fishes. Open wounds are highly prone to fungal infections. An appropriate medication for fungal diseases can be availed from a nearby pet shop or from an online pet supplier.

Bacterial infection is a common occurrence among fishes. If you notice orange or red spot on the scales of the fishes, they are most probably bacterial infection. Dropsy is a frequent bacterial infection that is often noted. If the fish looks distended or has scales that bulge out, it is a sign that the infection is attacking the insides of the fish and it is. The fish would show signs of tiredness and a lack of interest in food. Medications such as penicillin, naladixic acid and tetracycline are most commonly used to cure bacterial infections.

Prevention is better than cure, and it will save you and your fishes a whole lot of trouble from treating them. The best way to provide a healthy environment for the fishes is to keep the aquarium clean. Do keep a look out for fishes that threaten or assault other fishes and keep such combative fishes apart. The quality of the water, the size and space for the fishes and the species of the fishes should be monitored regularly.

Dear in mind that the fishes can still fall prey to infections and afflictions at some juncture despite your best efforts. It is important to try to cure the disease as soon as possible to reduce the chances of it spreading and contaminating other fishes.