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6 Ways To Start Dominating Your Niche

27 17:05:43
It's no secret that becoming an authority in your chosen niche is a big part of forming a successful online business. What many people do, however, is try to establish themselves in a smaller niche with much less competition. This is problematic for two reasons. The first is that there is much less proof of the income potential or market interest in that area. Secondly, it leads to a sort of "laziness" in that people think they can deliver mediocre content and still keep an audience - simply because no one else is really writing on the topic.

If, on the other hand, you're in a hot niche (along with every other man and his dog) then you have to work extra hard and over-deliver on your content in order to get noticed. Doing so, however, can give your business an enormous boost as there is a much larger community and overall market interest that can be used to your advantage. Here are a few ways you can go about that:

1. Tell Your Own Success Story: People are generally interested in reading about others who are successful at doing something they want to be successful at doing themselves. Make sense? If you have a page on your website or blog dedicated to telling your own story then it naturally makes readers more curious, and gives them a sense of comfort that "you have been there" and have overcome many of the challenges the reader now faces.

2. Give More For Free: Most people save their best information for their book, and leave the free content on their website at a half-baked level. I am personally not a fan of this, and am of the belief that giving away more quality content for free will say much more about (and lead more people to buy) the stuff you want your audience to actually pay for. The more quality content on your site; the more it gets shared with other interested parties, thus greatly increasing your potential customer base and overall authority in your niche.

3. Offer More On A Particular Subject: If you're in a popular niche but for some reason there is very little quality content written on a particular aspect of it, then make a conscious effort to offer more on this and make that one of your site's strongest selling points. That may change over time, but it's great for building an initial audience.

4. Be More Social: I'd say that at least 95% of people who set up websites for the purpose of making money are quite lazy when it comes to connecting with other people and solving their problems - "screw helping people, I just wanna make money!" they often say. Well, the two are not always mutually exclusive. This phenomenon is pretty easy to identify, so if you're in a niche where "everybody's taking and nobody's giving" you can bet you'll stand out if you start doing the opposite.

5. Adopt Your Own Voice: Everybody speaks and writes differently, but it's amazing that if you were to visit 1,000 blogs on the exact same subject then pretty soon they'd all start to sound the same. This is because many feel that when they write on a certain subject, then they also have to write a certain way. People are naturally afraid to be different, because society tells them from an early age that being different is a bad thing. When it comes to getting your website noticed, however, being different is actually very good.

6. Take A New Approach: Along with the style you choose to deliver your content in comes the angle you choose to deliver it from. Again, it's funny how 1,000 blogs can tell the exact same story. If there is an abundance of websites that tell readers how to do something, why not trying them how not to do something? You could do this every now and then as a one-off post, or create a whole new website based on it. The word will spread pretty quickly, as this sort of content practically begs people to link to it.