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10 Cheap Tips To Reduce Depression

27 17:04:30
10 tips to reduce depression

The effects of depression can be be very harmful to those who suffer from it, not to mention those around them. Many times, depression may cause a person to spend less time with others, and to spend less time doing things that they once enjoyed doing. Depression is not good on your health! Those suffering from depression may face memory problems, sleep problems or a need to sleep excessively, a sense of hopelessness and an inability to join the rest of the world. As depressing as it may seem, there are around 19 million Americans who suffer from this. It could be due to a death of a loved one, a divorce, not being able to forgive someone, or just because you are overweight. Some feel depression as a result of learning from their doctor that their child has a health condition such as Cystic Fibrosis, ADD / ADhD, MS (Multiple Sclerosis), Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or a type of cancer.

There are ways to ease some symptoms of depression, but sometimes medication therapy is necessary for the patient to fully enjoy a symptom-free life. However, there are some tips you can try if you have the blues.

1. Talk to Someone

Marriage counselors, church patriarchs, school counselors, and life coaches can be very helpful. If you do not feel comfortable speaking with a counselor, talk to a close friend or write in a journal.

2. Exercise

Some daily exercise can really boost your mood and energy. Aerobic exercise will raise your heart rate, boost your metabolism, and allow the body to naturally release mood enhancing endorphins.

3. Eat Fresh Food

Start a garden. Raise some chickens (for the eggs). Buy organic products? Eat plenty of fiber (fruits and vegetables) in order to cleanse your body from toxins and preservatives and junk from processed foods. Make sure that you consume colorful fruits and vegetables. When you are healthy, you feel more vibrant and full of energy!

4. Avoid sugar

If your depression is connected with anxiety, you will no doubt try to eat way too much sugar. This is the worse thing that you could do. Why? Because sugar can actually increase your anxiety. Unlike essential sugars (glyconutrients), regular sugar will just make you even more tired after the sugar high, not to mention the other health detriments related to sugar and tooth decay and the immune system.

5. Avoid caffeine

Caffeine brings you up - then drops you like a rock. Like sugar, it will also contribute to your anxiety and depression. Try drinking at least 8 glasses of water everyday.

6. No More Nicotine

Nicotine is a stimulant so it will help me when I am depressed, right? No. It acts in the body much like caffeine. It can make you feel better for a short while, but in the long run, will only increase your depression. The stimulant in nicotine can increase your anxiety. Long term smoking will cause more upper respiratory health conditions and more free radicals in the body, causing the immune system to be weak, allowing for feelings of depression. Some people also feel depressed because they cannot quit smoking.

7. Meditation Helps

Meditation has been used for thousands of years to help with depression. There are ways to medite, including conscious breathing methods and creative thoughts.

8. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep deprivation can cause depression and anxiety. Too much sleep can also contribute to depression and anxiety. The average adult needs between six and nine hours of sleep a night. Each individual has different needs, but this is a good guideline.

9. Lighten Up

Turn on the lights, dont sit in the dark. The more light you bring into a room, natural light is best if possible, the better chances you have of raising your mood. Sitting in the dark will only contribute to your depression.

10. Adopt a Pet

If you possibly can, get a dog or cat. Companion animals provide great help to anyone suffering from depression. Studies have shown that by just stroking an animal can lower your blood pressure and calm you. So go visit your local humane society or pet store. Don't have space for a goat or a horse? Maybe a dog, cat, ferret, gerbil, hamster, goldfish, or even a hermit crab?