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Canine Dna Breed Analysis � What You Get To Learn

27 17:02:46
The canine DNA test is gaining popularity with the pet owners in order to find out the genetic blueprint of their dogs. The need for canine DNA breed analysis stems from the congregation of multiple factors. First of all, the test provides a way to accurately identify the breed composition. The objective of this analysis is same as that of DNA paternity test. The genetic makeup of a dog lets the dog owner know all about its ancestral heritage. Another reason why the increasing number of person is opting for such test is the test result helps them understand about the predisposed health risks and adopt measures to prevent them. This understanding will help you manage your loving pet and train it in a way that fits its nature. You can also visit your veterinarian, show him the result of the canine DNA breed analysis and ask him to make a diet chart as well as suggest exercises for your dog.

The test is inexpensive. The home testing kit is also available on request. Such kit comes up with a set of instructions written in simple language for the sake of easy comprehension by the ordinary persons. Apart from the instructions, the canine DNA breed analysis kit contains one K9CheckSwab DNA collection brush, sample submission form, customer reference sheet as well as pre-paid return mailer.

The sample collection is quite easy with the swab and it takes only 4-9 weeks to obtain the result. Hair or blood is used as sample for the test. The analysis is done through the advanced SNP-based DNA technology. After the DNA structure is obtained through the canine DNA breed analysis, the lab technicians then try to find out a match of your dog's DNA structure with the pre-recorded DNA blueprints of the purebred dogs. In order to do so, the labs have to maintain a database where the genetic profiles of the tested dogs are recorded. When the genetic makeup of your dog perfectly corresponds to that of any previously enlisted purebred dog in the database, your dog is placed in the �primary� category. The certificate of the canine DNA breed analysis mentions that your dog is listed in the primary category.

The fairly cheap canine DNA breed analysis provides the dog owners with a concrete evidence of their dogs' lien. DNA analysis is also important in case of human being to determine if an individual carries the least chance of being prone to some hereditary diseases. But most of the time, DNA structure is meticulously examined to find out the parentage of a child. It is then called DNA paternity testing.

Paternity test uses blood or hair strand to find out genetic construction. The samples are collected from both the child and father whereas mother's sample is not a prime requirement in this case. The samples are then analyzed to map up the genetic structure. If strong similarities are found between these two samples, then it is clear that the person has fathered the baby. Home kit for DNA paternity test is also available but the result of the at-home test is not accepted in the court.