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Dog Care Should Be Done At All Cost

27 17:00:02
Dog Care Should be Done at All Cost

Our pets are our best friend; they stay with us in whatever circumstances we are. They do not choose our social status or our looks to make friends with us. They have only us to take care of them when they are ill or grow old.Everyone must understand that pets are not toys or a source of entertainment that you will keep them in any condition. These innocent creatures may not understand our language but they also have a heart, which can feel the pain and love. Some essential tips about dog care have been mentioned. A proper dog care is very important to maintain the dog health.This article will help you understand the importance of dog care and what steps should be taken in order to make you happy and healthy .

Forgetting Dog Care is a Sin

1) Dog must be kept away from young children - If you have a very small kid at your house then wait for few more years before you adopt a puppy. In case you still want to adopt the puppy then do not leave the puppy and your child together as while playing both may hurt each other that could be fatal. This is one of the most essential dog care things to do.

2) Keep switch boards covered - There is no difference between toddlers and puppies so make sure you follow all those preventive measures, which you would have done in case of a toddler in your house. Keep all switchboards covered by furniture and do not leave any cords at ground level as the puppy may chew it. Keep all toxic things out of reach from the adorable puppy.

3) Keep the puppy in all-weather condition - Prepare a comfortable and cozy bed for the new comer in your house as winter starts. Its bedding must be comfortable and kept at an airy place when its summer time. They are also living beings and feel heat and cold just as we do. However, consult a vet regarding this topic as keeping a dog in an air-conditioner room may give it cold.

4) Dont allow the dog to wander about - Never allow the dog to wander about on its own; always accompany it for walks. Animals do not have traffic sense and leaving them on their own will just make them more prone to fatal accidents. They may also consume something poisonous accidently which will make them ill. If you are bothered about dog care then do not leave your dog under the supervision of someone else.

Dogs are a beautiful creation of God; they stay with old and blind when other does not have time for them. They risk their life to detect a bomb without having a bit of sense of the fatal consequence of a bomb explosion. They trust us blindly, so treat them with love, respect, dignity and acknowledge their kindness and faithfulness over humankind.