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Top Dog Breeds to Impress Men

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Top Dog Breeds to Impress Men


Wonder where all the good – and single – guys have gone? Try the dog park. That's right – believe it or not, there's a certain logic to it all, to wit:

  • A single guy with a dog shows that he can commit to something. He just hasn't found the right person to shower his attention on.

  • He obviously is putting forth effort into the relationship, i.e., he's spending time with the dog (and cleaning up after it, if he's responsible, an added bonus – willingness to clean).

  • He's probably hoping his dog will help him meet an eligible woman he can get to know.

    Of course, you'd look pretty silly showing up at a dog park without a dog – that would make your intentions just a little too obvious. But if you have a dog, or want to get a dog to share your life with, then by all means do so. But choose a dog that fits your lifestyle and a breed you can love and enjoy, even if you are going to do that alone.

    If the breed you choose had the added benefit of attracting the type of guy you want, why not use all the ammunition you have to snare your soul mate?

  • Looking for an outdoorsy man? A live-off-the-land hunter? These types of men tend to be drawn toward sporting and hunting breeds of dogs. Labradors, English springer, German short haired pointers, bloodhound, Weimaraners, vizslas or Chesapeake Bay retrievers can help lure in the man of your dreams.

  • If you want a more masculine guy, one who thinks size is important, think about adopting a Great Dane, Newfoundland, St. Bernard, Irish wolfhound or Great Pyrennes.

  • Want a guy who understands the importance of fashion and isn't afraid of high maintenance woman? Consider a Maltese, poodle, cocker spaniel, bichon frise, Pekingese, saluki or Afghan.

  • If you're looking to tame a bad boy, the kind your mother warned you about, then try a Rottweiler, German shepherd, English bulldog, Akita, Staffordshire terrier or bullmastiff.

  • Some men are drawn to symbols of upper class and status. To get to know one of these guys, think about a borzoi, greyhound, Dalmatian, Doberman or Bouvier de Flandres.

  • Even though you may think they are extinct, there are still some men interested in settling down and enjoying the family life. To indicate you are on the same wavelength, consider adding a cairn terrier, golden retriever, beagle, boxer or collie to your family.

  • To attract the man drawn to the exotic and uncommon, be seen with a Chinese crested, French bulldog, Bedlington terrier, Rhodesian ridgeback, bull terrier or basenji.

    Remember, before you pick one of these dogs to be your companion, investigate the breed's needs and traits to make sure he fits your life – with or without that special man.