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How You Can Diagnose And Handle Blood Illnesses In Dogs

27 16:41:41
I am not talking about your dog wanting to drink some blood. What we are going to discuss here is about your dog's iron deficiency, so relax. If you thought that only humans could get this disease then you have to accept that you were wrong. Dog's too can have this disease and could cause some serious problem if they do not get some help soon.

So what causes anemia in dogs? There are several factors: parasites, iron-deficient diet, and toxicity to drugs. If your dog has either internal or external parasites such as worms or ticks, there is a chance that he may develop anemia because they feed on your dog's blood. When their diet does not provide them with the necessary amount of iron, they can also become anemic. Drug prescriptions could also cause anemia because of their possible side-effects.

So how do you know if your dog has anemia? The most common indications of an anemic dog are weakness, a rapid level of heartbeat, and paleness as well as whiteness of the gum area.

What are the possible treatments for anemia?

First, make sure that their diet would provide them with a sufficient amount of iron from day to day. The following is a list of foods that are rich in iron:

Dark, leafy, green vegetables - they are a very good source of iron and other vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin E and C - this is a very important combination of vitamin supplements because they aid in the absorption of iron in the intestines. The recommended dosage would be 500-2000 mg of ascorbic acid and 200-400 mg of vitamin E per day. Vitamin C is water soluble and needs to be replenished in the body throughout the day.

Vitamin B12 plus yeast - this has the equivalent benefit of eating liver. It is a good alternative for people who cannot stand feeding liver to their dogs.

The liver of beef or pork - this is one of the main sources of iron. Aside from which, it has also B-complex and protein for the repair of your dog's tissues.

Powdered Kelp - this is also a good source of iron and it contains other minerals plus a dose of iodine.

These foods will supply your dog with the necessary amount of iron in their diet.

Secondly, remove the parasites in your dog, whether they are intestinal parasites or external parasites. They suck-up the blood of your dog and if they happen to be too many, they will indeed affect his health.

Thirdly, if your dog's anemia is caused by toxicity to a drug that he is currently taking, you may want to check that with your vet and ask for another medication that will not have these effects on him. If the signs or symptoms that had been enumerated above can be seen in your dog, consult your veterinarian immediately. Make sure to have your canine undertake several blood assessments to ensure that they aren't cause by another underlying disease.