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Tips On Vacationing With Your Dog

27 16:41:17
So, you have been sitting at your computer researching for your next family vacation and you hear some panting. You look over and there are two big brown eyes staring wistfully. You mull the dilemma. Should you bring Scotia, the long time loyal family pup along, or does he again get left behind?

There are some alternatives. While you and the rest of the family are having a good time frolicking in the surf, you could board or have a pet sitter look after him. If you do then do not be surprised upon your return if he holds a grudge. Being the diplomat you let the family decide. It is a resounding, He goes."

Before departing, there are some considerations, especially if this is his first extended holiday. The resort selection is a major consideration. Although, resort areas like Hilton Head Island with its dog parks and relaxed beach regulations are extremely pet friendly, there is not an abundance of pet friendly accommodations. To get the best options, you will need to plan early.

Just as you plan your trip, there are steps to prepare for Scotia's journey.


1.Get Scotia acclimated to car travel.
2.Get copies of medical records with an up to date rabies vaccine certificate. Check with your vet regarding heart worm, flea/tick, and Bortadella preventative. If your pup does not travel well, ask your vet about using Scullcap and Valerian tablets (a herbal combination to combat anxiety, excitability, jitters, and travel sickness) a much better choice than using tranquilizers.
3.Consider micro-chipping. This is a pet monitoring system. It is painless procedure where a readable chip containing the pup's necessary information is inserted under the skin.
4.Get your vet's contact information. You should also ask if he or she knows of any vets at your destination.
5.Create a pet identification tag. This should have your pets name, address, and phone number. A simple method we employ is to use a film canister attached to the collar. This way we can use the local resort address. We fold a dollar bill into it, to cover phone calls.
6.Build a pet first aid kit. This kit should have gauze rolls and pads, scissors, tweezers, cotton balls, adhesive tape, silver nitrate, and pet sunscreen.
7.Design a Missing Dog Poster. All you need for this is an 8x11 sheet with your pup's photo. Leave room to write the facts. It is precautionary should anything happen.
8.Get an extra collar and lead. This can come in handy should you need to tether your pet.
9.Find an old sheet incase you need to cover furniture. If you use a crate, this can also be used to cover the crate incase your pup exhibits some travel anxiety
10.Beach towel for drying pup after his swims.
11.Gather the necessities; food, dog dishes, brush, shampoo, clean up bags, paper towels, favorite toys, and water. You will want to bring extra water. When first arriving at a new local, it is best to mix the home water with the local.
12.To ensure the pup can not jump freely into the front seat area, you may want to use a dog harness or a crate.
13.If you are planning to overnight on the way, make arrangements before departing. Not all motels/hotels will accept pets.

On the Road

1.On departure day, do not feed pup just before leaving, rather feed a couple of hours before hand.
2.Allow pet to walk and relieve himself before heading out.
3.Pet should travel in the rear with a harness or in a carrier
4.Keep car cool and ventilated. Try not to allow your pet to hang his head out the window while traveling. It is best to keep the windows up. If not then you should get doggie goggles. Any flying debris could be harmful.
5.Be prepared to stop every three to four hours so your pet can stretch and drink some water.
6.If you stop for lunch, try not to ever leave your pet in the car alone. Never leave pup alone in a car with the windows up; heat stroke can come on fast.

You have arrived at your destination. Everyone is excited, including your pet. Take him for a walk. This allows him to get familiar and acclimated to the new surroundings. If you are staying at a private home with a pool and your pup is allowed into it, make sure he knows how to get out. If you are on Hilton Head Island and your pup likes to skirt through the surf, it will be best to hose him with fresh water. You do not want his skin to dry out. If your pet is light skinned like a pug then you may want to use some sunscreen. Dogs can get sunburned.

Once you take your pup on vacation and experience the fun, you will be hard pressed not to continually take him along. Have a great and safe Holiday.