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Dog Food: Dog Cancer?

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Of all the heart breaking things that dog owners can encounter, cancer may be one of the most difficult to face. Cancer is supposedly the number one killer of dogs. But what could be causing cancer among dogs, you might say? Well, some causes of cancer may be similar to those in humans, but one culprit that was cited may actually surprise and shock you.

The culprit pointed out is actually dog food. Yes, you heard it right - dog food. The things we feed to our dogs to keep them healthy may actually be their death knell in the long run. For the same reason that food can cause cancer in humans, some of the materials found in dog foods can actually turn into poison.

Just to give a brief description of what may be found in dog food, you can actually find waste and left-overs from processed foods. These can include rejected parts such as bones, ligaments and unwanted animal parts. But those alone may not be enough to cause a disease such as cancer in dogs.

What is alarming is how some dog foods may actually contain parts of other euthanized animals such as dogs and cats that have been put down in certain shelters. And it goes without saying that if certain chemicals have been involved in putting down the animal, then that will also make its way into the dog food that you may be feeding your dogs.

In 2007, a Pet Food Recall happened because the quality of animal foods was, as one site describes it, "tainted." A huge number of pet foods were recalled from the shelves. Another issue that came up was the use of the preservative "Ethoxyquin" on foods.

Initially, there seemed to have been a move by the FDA to ban the said preservative. Sadly, it seems that the manufacturers have argued for the retention of the preservative and, as a compromise, the amount of preservative was only cut down. That still leaves much room for doubt as to how safe these dog or pet foods actually are for consumption.

As a responsible dog owner, you certainly would want to check the content of whatever it is that you are feeding your dogs. One suggested step is to take a look at holistic diets that have been created for dogs. Of course, this will primarily include a natural diet that dogs may naturally eat in the wild.

One diet suggests that foods fed to dogs should consist of at least 50% grains. Although a bit difficult, the same diet also suggests putting in 25% vegetables into the mix as well and another 25% for protein. It is recommended that meat be fed raw only if the dog owner is sure that the meat came from a clean and organic source.

This increases the acid content in a dog's stomach to a healthy level and allows for more protection against pathogenic bacteria. Otherwise, it is suggested that you may lightly steam or boil the meat.