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How To Stop Dog Barking Without Using A Bark Collar!

27 17:37:02
One of the biggest problems dog owners face is how to stop dog barking. They bark at night, they bark at anyone that comes near the house, they bark to get your attention, and sometimes they bark just to hear themselves bark. Unfortunately, barking is one of a few ways that a dog can communicate with you and with other dogs. While body language is the number one communication tool for dogs, barking appears to be a close second. There are methods to decrease your dog's barking, and in some situations stop your dog from barking, and they are simple to learn and only require patience and consistency on your part.

Before I delve into the most effective methods to stop dog barking, it is important that you understand that your dog could quite possibly have situational barking bred into him. If he is from a Guard Dog breed, like a German Shepherd, Rottweiler, or a Doberman, he is going to bark when someone approaches you. If he is from a Hunting Breed, he is going to bark in certain situations. There really isn't much you can do about it. What we are more concerned with here, is the dog that barks just to hear himself talk, or the dog that barks at you or other household members in an attempt to get his way.

There are two easy methods to train your dog not to bark, and neither involves shock collars or anything of the sort. Your relationship with your dog is based on mutual respect, and one of the first things you need to do is to make sure she understands who the alpha dog, or pack leader, is. YOU are supposed to be the alpha, and if she thinks she is, you have a serious problem, The first method you can use to stop barking will not only stop it, but will also show her who the alpha is.

When your dog is barking, for whatever reason, don't say a word. Approach your dog and gently, but firmly, grasp her snout. Many dogs will try to back away or wriggle free. Use your other hand to hold her collar, and continue to grasp her snout until she stops trying to get away from you. Once she has stayed calm for a few seconds, let go of her and give her a little light praise. Don't make a big deal of it, just tell her she is a good girl. If she starts barking again, repeat everything above. You are not only stopping her from barking by grabbing her snout, you are showing her who is in charge.

The other method to stop barking works well when your dog is trying bully you, or get something from you, by barking at you. In this case, you are going to ignore him. You are not just going to just ignore him, you are going to cross your arms, turn your back on him, and not acknowledge his presence in any way. Make a big deal out of it. Continue to do this until he stops barking, even if it takes a few minutes or so. This method requires patience and consistency. If you give in, even once, you will find yourself back at square one, as you have only taught your dog to bark louder or longer to get your attention.

If you follow the two methods as I have outlined, you should be able to eradicate most, if not all, problem barking from your dog's behavior.