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The Active Dog

27 17:32:20
Finding a dog that suits your lifestyle, and a lifestyle that suits your dog.

Dogs can be great companions for someone at any age. One of the biggest worries people who want a dog but haven’t gotten one yet come against is �but I’m so busy all of the time, how can I possibly have a dog?� Well, if you want something bad enough, there are always ways to get around the obstacles that lie ahead! Many people lead active lives and it’s no surprise that with a new generation of technology and ease of travel that people are wary on getting a pet that may �tie them down.� However, if you think a little bit about what you do and how much you travel, the benefits of having a dog will far out weigh sometimes having to make compromises in life and coming up with fun solutions for them.

When you’re choosing a breed of dog, you really want to consider what sort of activities you will partake in, the sort of life changes that will be occurring in the next 10 years or so so, and how often you will be able to spend time with your dog. For example, a lab or other medium sized dog is a great companion for if you stay local and like to hike, run and generally be outdoors. There are great dog backpacks that allow you to take your dog on hiking and camping trips with you. A retractable dog leash is an awesome way for you to give your dog a bit of range in running and exploring while you’re hiking or taking a walk somewhere. Putting a dog harness on them will make sure they don’t tug too much on their throat in the process, making it easier on both of you.

If you have a dog that is older, smaller, or more prone to getting tired easy, but you want them to be with you on trips our daily outings, dog strollers are a great investment. These devices will do just what a stroller does for a baby; it will keep them out of direct sunlight and make it easy to travel with them if their little legs get too tired from walking. Strollers are great options for dogs like basset hounds and bulldogs that can’t take the heat easily or are just not built for long walks, runs, or days in the sun. They are also a great option for smaller breed dogs that just can’t walk as fast as you!

Sometimes, the biggest worry about what to do with your dog is when you go away on vacation. Fortunately, many airlines have animal policies that all you to either board a dog with all of their shots in a dog crate with luggage, or take a smaller sized dog in an airline approved dog carrier. This will allow you to take your dog virtually anywhere with you and not have to worry about leaving them alone in a kennel while you are on vacation. Dog carriers come in so many different shapes and sizes that it would be hard to list them all here. Whatever you are looking for, you will most likely be able to find it from a simple black carry on to a designer dog carrier.

Active lifestyles shouldn’t hold you back if you want a new companion in your life. Dogs are great buddies to have around and it can be a lot of fun travelling with them! With so many different options available today, there are solutions to fit the need of any dog breed you may have. Take some time to think about it and you’ll find that there is most likely a solution to the problem you seem to be facing which will allow you to enjoy a new animal companion in your life.