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The Amazing Malmute Breed Of Dogs

27 17:31:46
The Malmute, also known as the Alaska Malamute, is a large dog that can weigh well over 100 pounds. Although two feet is the normal height for this dog breed, there are dogs that are almost three feet tall. These dogs are traditionally bred and used as sled dogs in the North. The name of the breed comes from the native Inuits who first bred these dogs. They were known as the Mahlemuit. The dogs were very capable of hauling large sleds loaded down with all kinds of materials and could withstand very harsh weather conditions because of their thick coat. They could maintain a steady pace when hauling large loads over long distances and thus became the dog of choice in the Klondike Gold Rush of the late 1800.

The dogs of this breed have a double coat with a woolly undercoat and long guard hairs on the outside. They shed their coats twice a year and the shedding can last for up to three weeks each time. This is a messy time for Malamute owners because the hair comes off in clumps. If you do own this breed of dog and live in a warm climate, the shedding can take place all year round.

You do not have to spend much time bathing these dogs. That is because they have a cleaning routine quite similar to that of a cat. They do not give off an odor and even if they are covered in mud, they will clean themselves. The only grooming that do need is an occasional brushing to remove dead hairs from the coat and they need their nails clipped on a regular basis.

This is a very friendly dog breed, but if you would like to have one, you should know they demand a lot of attention. They do well in families because of their natural instinct for being part of a pack. They are difficult to train because they are stubborn and can be very mischievous because they get bored very easily. However, once you do teach this dog something, you will only have to do it once or twice. These dogs are very smart.

The Malamutes do not do well when in the presence of other dogs. They tend to be more aggressive toward other dogs than most other breeds. They like to establish their territory and so not welcome other dogs into that territory. However, if you get the dog as a pup and you have other dogs, it will grow up as part of the pack and be used to them. If you are looking for a dog that is quiet and does not bark a lot, then the Malamute is the breed for you. However, they do tend to howl.

Malamutes like to be able to move about freely. You can have a large dog door so that the dog can go outdoors and come in as it needs to. If you keep the dog outside in a kennel, make sure you have it tied on. Even if you have a fenced yard, it will dig its way out. This breed is known for its digging ability.