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Give Your Dog the Right Training

27 13:53:17
An untrained dog is a direct reflection on you, the pet owner, and how much you care about the dog. In fact a dog that is not trained becomes a nuisance to the owner and the environment. You can probably give to your dog basic obedience training, i.e. teaching it to respond to simple commands. Whether it's a puppy or a fully-grown dog you can teach them with a little effort on your part.

Dogs are intelligent animals. They have been trained to do specific tasks like sniffing out drugs and explosives and performing search and rescue missions. All these are possible by the efforts of the dog owner. But how can you train your dog to obey you?

First, you need to know about the genetic make up of your dog. Like wolves, dogs are hierarchy conscious. They instinctively gravitate toward living in pack under a leader. Your family is your dog's pack and it needs to understand that you are the leader.

Even as a puppy, your dog can learn that it is subordinate to you. How? Try holding its gaze with your eyes until it looks away. Also, rubbing the dog's belly while on its back is a good exercise, as this puts it in a submissive position. If your dog is being a nuisance and does not stop when you say 'No', try ignoring it or leaving the room.

When your dog responds to your commands, it is acknowledging that you are in charge. If you, as the owner, do not establish your position of leadership, your pet may conclude that it is equal or superior to you and this might affect its behavior.

To teach your dog basic commands, you will need a collar, a leash and plenty of patience. For successful training, you will have to follow the steps below:

a. Give a simple, one-word command, b. demonstrate the desired action and c. immediately give praise when the action is done. Your tone of voice is more important than the word you use. A command should be given in an affirmative tone and praise be given in a happy, affectionate tone.

Physical punishment, such as hitting or kicking, is not necessary. Simply say 'No' in a sharp tone, prolonging the vowel, so that the dog will know that you are displeased with its performance. A dog is intelligent enough to know when you are rewarding or reprimanding.

If anything more drastic is needed, you might grasp the dog by the scruff of its neck and shake it lightly while saying 'No'. Reprimands should be given during or immediately following the undesirable behavior. Remember, a dog cannot discern why it is being scolded if scolding occurs minutes or hours after the act. Neither does it understand why a certain action is acceptable on one occasion but not on another, so be consistent.

Training of a dog is a continuous process, but the nucleus for all obedience is the command 'Sit!' if your dog understands this basic command it becomes quite easy to train your dog in the other basic commands. For example, you can tell your dog to sit when it begins to jump on visitors. To teach your dog to sit, put the leash on it and give the command while pushing down on its hindquarters and gently pulling its head up with the leash. Give praise immediately. Repeat these steps until the dog obeys the command on its own.

To teach your dog to remain in the position, use the command 'Stay!' while standing in front and putting your hand out with the palm facing flat toward the dog. If the dog moves, say 'No' and place it back into position. Repeat the command and praise the dog when it stays sitting for a short period. Gradually increase the time it sit and then the distance between you and the dog as it responds to the command.

The best way to teach your dog to come to you is to use a long leash and give a gentle tug while calling your dog's name and giving the command 'Come!'. Back up as the dog moves towards you and continue to praise. Soon it will respond to your call without being prompted by the leash. Never use the word 'Come' for a negative reason, such as to reprimand. Your dog must learn that responding to 'come' will bring pleasurable results, whether praise or a food treat. If you lose your patience while teaching this command, your dog will learn that coming is unpleasant and will be avoided.

You can teach your dog to walk by your side without pushing ahead or lagging behind. To do this without stress, use a link-chain training collar and a short leash. With the dog on your left, give the command 'Heel!' and step out with the left foot. If your dog attempts to push ahead or lag back, give a quick, sharp jerk on the leash and repeat the command. Give praise for compliance.

Remember, a dog is a social and intelligent animal. Long period of confinement can lead to excessive barking, hyperactivity and destructive behavior. But with training, your dog can become a delightful, loyal companion instead of a nuisance.