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Dog Breed Catagories And Using Them To Your Advantage

27 13:49:00
Adopting a dog as your pet is a very important decision, because of the immediate responsibility but for the lomg term commitment you are making. When you take a new dog into your home, your life will probably be quite different from before. However, by picking the right breed of dog, you can be assured that you're altering your life for better, not for worse.

Though some people adopting their first dog think about size, as the principle significant factor for dog choice. There is a lot more to it than just owning a large, medium or small dog. How your dog looks alone does not afford you the dog breed required to fit in with your life.

Your fist step in attaining this goal is to go for the right breed group. By doing this you will be examining breeds whose inbred characteristics should ensure they are suitable for your family.

Happily, kennel clubs worldwide use a way for putting breeds of dog in broad groups using the nature of job they have been originally bred for. A good place to begin your research is your national Kennel Club. The one to examine are: American Kennel Club, UK Kennel Club and Canadian Kennel Club.

Almost always Kennel Clubs use the catagories below to divide dog breeds:

Toy Dogs
Working Dogs
Utility DogsHunting Dogs (Gundogs)

Lets take a look at these groups in greater depth.

Breeds in the terrier category are small to medium sized dogs whose love was to trak down mice and other unwanted rodents. Their diminutive statue allowed them to get up to, and into the places were their prey went. These tend to be ancient breeds that can be followed back years and include: Airedale, Boston, Welsh, Border, Wire Fox, Cairn, Jack Russell, Staffordshire, Scottish, Lakeland and West Highland White and Miniature Schnauzer. Terriers are notably gutsy for their small stature, faithful and determined. They need introducing into a home which has small children carefully as they are often protective of whoever they deam as leaders of the pack exluding other members of the family.

Utility dogs are a family of many many different kinds of breeds put in the same category due to their non sporting beginnings. In general they were bred for a distinct reason, but, these functions are greatly different. Here you will see dogs such as: Poodles, Shih Tzus, Bulldogs and Dalmatians. Dogshere in this category are often among the oldest breeds recorded.

Working dogs have been designed for searching, rescuing, and guarding. Typical breeds in this group are: Great Danes, Collies, Rottweillers, Mastiffs, Corgis, German Shepherds, Dobermanns, Old English Sheepdogs, Newfoundlands and Boxers. These are the "heroes" of the dog world, and are adapted to succeed in their particular job.

Hunting dogs are the breeds which used to be bred to be easily trainable when it comes to tracking down and retrieving hunting game that's been shot. The hunting dog category is broken down into sub-groups: Spaniels, Hunt/Point/Retrieve, Retrievers, and Setters. These dogs are also usually loyal and pleasant companions with a great all-around temperament for a pet, however, often they require a great deal of looking after and exercise.

Hounds were bred for their sharp sense of smell and sight. They were emplyed (and still are) for hunting. Dog breeds in this group do make great household pets but require a lot of exercise if they are to be happy in your home. Well known examples include: Beagles, Daschunds, Basset Hounds, Greyhounds and Whippets. You can see there great diversion of stature in this group.

Toy dogs are the tiny companions and lap dogs of the dog catagories. Though every dog may have been bred for a certain reason, they are placed in this category for their small stature. Typically, toy dogs are affectionate and faithful, and highly desire care. They are quite intelligent andtend to be spoiled as their owners tend to be poor on obedience due to their small size. In this group are: Poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, Papillions, Chihuahuas, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Pekingese.

Having shown you more knowledge re the separate groups of dog groups and their virtues, we hope you willl be able to choose a category and dog breed to suit you and your family.