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Vital Dog Obedience Training Command

27 13:46:44
I cannot stress more the importance of obedience training for your dog. Besides it is very substantial to the well being of your dog and your own happiness in having a dog.

Dog owners would definitely enjoy more sharing a house, a car or even spending the moment together walking your dog in the public, when your dog can be told to eliminate outside (house training), to come, to sit or to stay easily at your say.

Obedience Training also exhibit very clear sign of responsible ownership, it is so generally known that if your dog can demonstrate these basic obedience commands as well as walking on leash with ease and some other simple assignment, your dog can receive the American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen Certification.

This Certification is an evidence that your dog is sociable, well behaved and reliable to public. In some state this CGC Certification is a yardstick of your dog behavior and responsible dog ownership.

Dog owners particularly those who are new usually faces difficulty in training their dog, it is because they do not recognize that dogs think and act different from us. They failed to make much progress in dog training because they failed to realize that dog communicate differently from us.

The major fault made by new dog owners is having a lot of command and inconsistency in their training routines. Remember that consistency is very important, do not say 2 words for the same of action that you want your dog to obey.

Here below are some standard basic dog obedience commands that you should start with prior going to other more advance command, that will aid you as dog owner to feel comfortable bringing your dog for a walk in the park or in public places.

Come: this command is used to calling back your dog

Sit: this command tell your dog to be in sitting position.

Stay: the dog must keep still in any position whether it is sitting, down or in that location where the command is given until released by you

Down: this command tells the dog to go down with its front feet and rear legs are touching the ground.

Here are some tips how you can actually improve the effectiveness and the speed of your dog training:

1. Always use the same command words and in the same tone or speed of speaking

2. Have tolerance, your dog will fail you.

3. The dog has single track mind, teach one thing at a time, do not try to teach a lot of command in one single training session

4. When your dog did something right or wrong, your rewards and punishment should come almost at once. Do not punish or reward after a long delay from the act itself because your dog will not be able to connect the two.

5. Develop relationship with your dog by bringing him out for an exercise or play with him. All training session should be based on this bond.

6. Before teaching your dog, you should get highly regarde dog training manual and go through it thoroughly before starting your dog training session. It is much more difficult to ask your dog to unlearn wrong things than learning new things

7. Do not call your dog to come to you to punish, you will give them wrong understanding that the word come means punishment.

8. Do not permit other people to give any command to your dog especially when you are training him.

9. Do not train your dog when you are not in the mood or when you are not feeling well.

10. Do not get violence with your dog.

Obedience Training is a clear sign of responsible dog ownership. Every responsible dog owner should endeavor to train his/her dog to at least acquire these basic obedience skills.