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Potty Train Your Puppy Using These Proven Steps

27 13:36:50
It certainly is a very exciting time when you bring home that furry bundle of joy! However, it can become quite a challenge when it comes time to housetrain your puppy. In order to make this training easier for you, I have included some of the basic techniques and tips in this puppy housetraining guide. You will more than likely experience quick success by making use of the methods that are listed throughout this guide. You may as well roll up all of those old newspapers and throw them in the trash because now is just as good a time as any to start training your puppy!

You have to realize that your puppy is not born to know just when they are doing wrong by relieving themselves in unacceptable places around your home or yard. When they have to go, they just go and that's all there is to it! This is especially true if they have had no previous training as to where they should go to the bathroom. A certain area in the yard should be designated for your puppy to do his business. It is very important that when you walk your dog and take him outside that you visit this particular area often. If the puppy happens to have an accident while indoors, you should take him to this area right away. Eventually, your puppy will begin to understand that this area is the location where he is to relieve himself.

The next thing you should do to make sure that your housetraining efforts are a success is to develop a schedule that your pet can use. Your dog should be fed at certain times of the day so that you can set certain times when you walk your animal. When you do this, be sure to take your dog back to the same location over and over again. This will serve as a reinforcement technique that this is where your animal should go to do his business. The best time to take your pet out for a walk is within the first thirty minutes of your dog eating and drinking. This will make your housetraining efforts a success.

Once you see your puppy using the area outside the home that you have deemed appropriate when it comes to relieving themselves, it is important for you to praise the dog. This may include talking in an upbeat, friendly tone, patting them on the head, or simply playing with them or giving them a treat immediately thereafter. This will allow the dog to come to an understanding that what they have done is a 'good' thing, and it will motivate them to do it over and over again. Once you have done this enough, you will start to notice that the animal will start to go this area alone. If you have had the puppy on a leash the first couple of weeks, you may try taking them outside without one just to see if they go alone. If so, remember to praise and reward them.

If you share the house with other people - spouse and children - it is of vital importance that you encourage everyone to get involved with housetraining your puppy. This will include feeding and watering your animal on the set schedule that you have established, walking your pooch, taking him to the area that has been set asides as the one that he can do his business and praising them and rewarding them. You will then make sure that your housetraining endeavors are successful!