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The Secrets to Successful Puppy Training

27 13:35:40
Training is an essential component to a well adjusted adult dog. Failing to take the time to train your new pet in all areas will bring you numerous years of frustration. When you bring your new puppy home, there are many different things that need to occur. First, you need to create a bond with the pet. The next thing that you need to do is to take the time to start some simple training sessions with your pet. These training sessions will ensure that the animal experiences the proper amount of socialization, bonds with you appropriately, and grows to be receptive to your commands. Here, you will learn the secrets to successful puppy training.

One of the first areas that you need to focus on when it comes to training your pet puppy is housetraining. The earlier that you establish some rules when it comes to potty training, the easier your life will be when there is a new puppy in the mix. Right from the start, it is important that you establish some specifics when it comes to where the animal may relieve itself. Many will comfortably allow a small dog to get used to its new environment prior to taking the time to potty train them. This mindset should be avoided. Yes, it will take some time for the animal to adjust, but it should know and understand the rules right from the beginning. This is especially true when it comes to housetraining. If you allow your pet to just go anywhere for any length of time, this can turn into a very bad habit.

When training your new puppy, it is important to remain as positive as possible. While you are instructing your dog, it is important to consistently praise your animal. You should do this by speaking in a friendly, energetic tone and by putting a reward system in place. There are many examples when it comes to successful puppy training and reward systems. You may wish to take the dog for a walk around the neighborhood, or in the local park, and play with them when they have proven successful in learning, or just give them a little treat. Many dogs really enjoy receiving a bone that they can chew on, or even a new toy! How you choose to reward the animal is entirely up to you, but you should consider some type of reward and remain consistent throughout the puppy training when it comes to rewards.

When it comes to successful puppy training, it is important to understand that there are two general types of training involved. One focuses on obedience, and one focuses on behavior overall. Obedience puppy training involves teaching your new pet to listen and follow the directions that you provide to them. You should perform these sessions in fifteen minute intervals to ensure that you maintain the interest of your pet. Behavior training allows you to stop traits that are unappealing in your dog's personality before they become a nuisance. Examples of behaviors that you may want to adjust include climbing on items that are not appropriate and jumping on people in an unwelcomed fashion.

If you take the time to train your puppy in a manner that is consistent with success, you will find that you are successful. You should start the puppy training from the moment that you arrive home with your new pet. One of the first things that you should focus on is housetraining. Once you have mastered this to some degree, you can begin with basic commands. Knowing and understanding the difference between obedience and behavior based training can also result in successful puppy training.