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Tips For Training Your Dog

27 13:32:05
First, it is very important to establish who the boss is and it is not the dog. The dog needs to be reminder often of this fact. Secondly, the tone of our voice speaks volumes. Speak with authority, much like how our public school teachers spoke when we where not paying attention. And thirdly, you must have a consistent routine in your training. Master these tactics and you will be a successful trainer of any dog.

True it may be difficult to discipline the puppy when she looks at you with those droopy ears or if he cocks his head at you. But you must not let that prevent you from establishing who the master is unless your enjoy having your slippers or carpets chewed. Just like you would with a child, set boundaries so they know what they can do and not do.
By establishing gestures such as pointing you will also give the dog clues as to how to act in a certain way.

There are many proven tips to effectively train your dog. We will discuss just one of those ways now.

The Approach

One method of successful dog training is by being consistent in your approach towards him. By keeping your intonations, gestures and words for expressing dissatisfaction and praise consistent you will be help him understand commands by associating wih the way it is said. By issuing conflicting commands your dog will be confused most of the time as compared to one who has learned the same command over and over. One example of being consistent is to let him out the same door every time he has to do his business. In this way he associates that door with needing to go out and will let you know by going to that door instead of somewhere in the house.

This was just one technique that you can learn in order to effectively train your poochie. Remember of course that after every command that he successfully does, shower him with love and affection. Treat him once in a while when he does right because like a child it needs to be appreciated and given praise. As mentioned there are many technques to dog training from positive reinforcement, understanding when to reward and when to punish, the effective way of punishing, how to stop excessive barking and chewing and aggression to name a few. Dog training is an on-going process but one that is full of rewards. You will create a bond with your pet that is unbreakable. You will have a loyal companion for life and a friend forever.

There are many dog training ebooks, cd`s, dvd`s, seminars, groups and tips on training your dog that you can find online. Do your research. Find one that you are comfortable with and provides all the necessary tools to help you in dog training. Is dog training difficult? It can be. Can you do it? Yes you can.