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Are You Ready For A New Border Collie?

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Getting a new Border Collie is different from getting a new teddy bear much from getting a new pair of shoes. Dog ownership requires patience, consistency and commitment. So before you finally take home the newest additional member of your family, you have to make sure that it is really for you.

If you are a busy buddy who rarely have time to spare even for relaxation, then dog ownership is not for you. Dogs need to be taken cared of, trained and socialized. But how can you do this if you are too busy with your own affairs?

Financial Stability
As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to provide the necessary things your dog needs - dog foods, bed, bowls, collars, leashes, crate and a whole lot more. Vaccinations, grooming and regular vet check up must not be ignored as well, not to mention the possible expenses when Fido gets sick and needs medication. Make sure to consider the possible expenses before they create a hole in your pocket.

Are you an active person just like a border collie or the opposite? Know that border collies want to work and needs extensive exercise to keep them happy. If you are not the type of person who would like to do lots of activities with your dog, then you may want to consider other breed.

Behavior Problems and Health Issues
Some dogs are more prone to sickness than the others. Some may tend to develop behavior problems along the way. Puppies are cute when they're still puppies. But what if your little bundle of energy turned into a little devil who loves to feast on your favorite pair of shoes? Are you patient and determined enough to solve this?

Every dog owner wants to have a well trained dog that is pleasant to be around. A border collie maybe the most intelligent breed but that doesn't necessarily mean that they can figure out obedience and other tricks on their own. You need to take extra effort to mold your dog into a lovable pet you want him to be.

Once you are sure that you are ready to welcome your new border collie, there's no holding back. Prepare yourself for 12 to 15 years of fun and happiness with this multi-talented breed.