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Housebreaking Problems: Why They Occur?

27 13:29:22
Are you losing your patience due to housebreaking problems? You are not alone! Regardless of the breed, difficulty in housebreaking is one of the most common problems faced by many dog owners. In fact, it is one of the reasons why many dogs are abandoned by their supposedly best friends. In most cases, people blame the dogs for this heartbreaking event. They believe that the problem occurred due to health reasons or the dog is just plain lazy, stubborn or stupid to learn what is being taught to him.

Health related issues are acceptable reasons why housebreaking problems occur. Bladder infections and kidney stones can cause straining. A dog suffering from diabetes is also more likely to commit accident since a diabetic dog has an increased thirst thus will drink more water and consequently will be urinating more. If your pet is having accidents, it is important to visit the vet to determine possible physical problem and prescribe treatment.

Sadly, some owners believe that the reason dog housebreaking problems occur is because of the dog's individual characteristic. It could be that the dog is lazy, stubborn or stupid enough to learn new things and to obey the commands given. While some dogs indeed possess appalling characteristics, most dogs are far from that. Commonly, these problems occur because of their owners and the way they handle their dogs. Owners should bear in mind that dog ownership is a commitment, a responsibility. Owning a dog is more than just cuddling the animal in bed or dressing in fashionable manner. Patience, consistency, determination and lots of love make up a responsible dog owner.

Reliably housetrained dog is not difficult much more impossible to attain. If the owner is patient enough to tolerate and correct the dog's mistake, consistent with the training and training methods used and is determined to attain success, dog house training is just a piece of cake.

Dog housebreaking problems may occur but do not let it snatch away the chance of you having a well-trained dog everybody loves to be around. Be that responsible dog owner your dog needs.