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Important Facts On Bulldog Jumping

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When a bulldog is still young, perhaps jumping may not be an issue. On the other hand, when the puppy grows and becomes much bigger and heavier this may pose a threat as some people may think that the dog is trying to attack while the dog is probably excited and playful. In order to avoid such problems, bulldog jumping should be discouraged when the dog is still a young.

Training the dog to refrain from jumping when it is at the puppy stage is very essential. One important reason for this is because the bulldog is very delicate when it as its young stage so jumping may be a cause for poorly developed joints as the dog grows older.

Offering the bulldog a reward especially in the form of a snack is a useful technique that has been proven to be very effective. The way to do this is by rewarding the dog after giving a response in the form of sitting as opposed to jumping on someone. This is a form of encouragement and the opposite should be done when the dog still jumps.


Within no time, the dog will begin to understand that jumping is not the only way to show happiness. The truth is that the owner should also be very observant of how the bulldog will react when jumping is condemned as a wrong message may be sent to the dog. The result of which will be aggression towards the owner or any other persons.

A sit command has, in most cases, worked so well in dealing with the jumping issue. As a matter of fact the owner simply instructs the dog to sit whenever they feel that the dog is about to jump. This is then followed with a reward either in the form of a snack or maybe a pat on the head.

Bulldog owners have the responsibility of ensuring that boundaries are set on where the dog can and cannot jump. The ideal way to do this to prevent the dog from jumping, say over a fence. This can be done by a simple stop command and after a number of tries the dog will be able to understand.

Dogs have a very short attention span therefore the best thing to do would be to use short training sessions. Consistency as well as practice is also essential to the whole learning process. Once one keeps using the same commands over and over again, the dog will grasp every command without a struggle.