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An Adult Dog or a Puppy- Benefits to You as an Owner!

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Canine partners and that's it for many individuals. They would want no more and no one. A dog proves so much fulfilling in the life that need of others is diminished. On the same line of thought, people like to see themselves as parent but not strapped to the responsibilities that come with a kid so take a dog for starters and try their patience level. Getting your first dog or puppy thus, can be very instrumental the way you look at life and extended family, dog and more.

On just this juncture, some people are caught in the dilemma of buying either a grown up dog or his miniature copy, needing more attention than the former. The choice may completely depend on the personality type of the owner, yet here are some other indicators cueing towards the step right for you.

Why Puppies

1. Ease in shaping his personality

Apart from what the genetics of dog will allow him, there are possibilities of inculcating some of the ideals you want him to have. Your influence on him would be as visible as his habits of meal and other routine. Making him friendly, sharp (just as you) can fall under this. Add obedient if you like!

2. Possible early age training

This is obviously one of the prime reasons for the people buying a puppy and not an adult dog. Teach him Frisbee if you want to or enjoy the 'throw and catch' activity (like Scooby Do and Shaggy). Choosing a breed like Australian Shepherd increases your chances of teaching him and his chances of liking the game as you.

3. Spending a larger span of life


By buying puppies, the probability of watching his full life span increases, which is not the case with the adult dogs. If not for any unfortunate event, you will witness all his days, in and out.

Prior knowledge of the genes / breed is an added advantage.

Why Older Dogs

1. For Satisfaction of saving a soul

A dog from shelter house is in need of some one more loving than the care taker and this could be you. You can get the satisfaction of a lifetime.

2. For health benefits

You just need to invest some time with making an acquaintance and you get the instant benefit of loosing fat and increasing metabolism. You might not have thought about it, but it does contribute to achieve your fitness goals.

3. For Kids with special needs

An adult dog is better at dealing with kids who need un-named care. In a study it was found that children with autism are more comfortable with dogs. Trained dogs can contribute in an even better way.