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Easily Train Your Dog To Sit In Three Days

27 15:46:22
Training your dog to do various activities is an important way to improve his or her overall behavior. The real benefit of training your dog to do tricks isn't that you can show him or her off to your friends and family. The benefit lies in the fact that the training process, and the act of performing the trick later on, calms the dog's mind and develops a more stable and likable personality.

One of the first things that dog owners think about when considering training their pet to do tricks is teaching him or her to sit. Also, this is one of the simplest commands for a dog to learn. Please note that for older canines, dog arthritis may be an issue and they perhaps cannot sit as easily as they used to.

For this and all tricks, food will be used as the primary reinforcement. Food is an extremely important part of every dog's life. Secondly, praise will be used along with physical petting and affection.

First off, shop for small dog treats that are easy to carry and your dog likes. Use treats that do not crumble easily and can safely be carried in a coat pocket. And of course, determine that your dog really enjoys and appreciates these treats.

In the first day, we will go through the following routine three or four times throughout the day. Have several of the treats in your hand as you walk with your dog. If he hasn't learned the benefits of sitting, he will probably stand looking up at you and know when you have the treat in your hand. Do not offer him a treat at this point. If he's not aware you have the treats in your hand you may allow him to smell them. Now then, say "sit" one time in a very firm tone. Of course your dog won't know what you're talking about at this time, so give him a couple of seconds and then say the word again while simultaneously reaching down and pushing firmly on his rear.

At this point, some dogs will strongly resist while others will follow your hand's pressure and sit down. Whatever it takes with your dog, keep pushing until him or her finally sits. The instant he is in the sitting position offer him one treat and pet his ears.

Now then, walk several feet away forcing the dog to follow you. Again, he will simply be looking up at you while standing. Again you will offer the command and give him a few seconds to follow it, which he won't at this point. Then say the command again while pushing his rear into a sitting position. Again, offer the treat. Repeat this one more time.

You'll want to repeat the above process several times in the first day. Scatter this session throughout the day at least several hours apart. Praise the animal greatly after each session.

On the second day do exactly as you had the first, except add one or two more sessions during the day. Do not offer the dog treats except during the sessions on any of these training days. You'll find that it becomes easier and easier to get the dog to sit. Many dogs will actually perform the command on the second day.

On the third day, you'll repeat the same exact process as the second day and in almost all cases by the end of the day the dog is sitting on command.

It's very important to continue and follow-up over the coming weeks and do this same sequence of training on a regular basis. Although it does not have to be done several times a day or even every day, it is important that it's done three or four times a week at least. It won't be long until the dog will instantly follow the command regardless of whether or not you have food in your hand or not.