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Treatment For Dog Allergies

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Dog allergies, like in humans, appear as a hypersensitivity to various causes and manifest as irritations, diarrhea and specific respiratory symptoms such as coughing and sneezing. Alleviating the condition through reduction of the symptoms helps but other permanent solutions are available.

Treatment Measures

Treatment strategies for dog allergies include the use of corticosteroids, allergy shots, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory agents and avoidance of the offending allergens. The discussion below outlines each of these modes of treatment:

Corticosteroids - Itchiness and inflammation usually accompanies dog allergies. Application of corticosteroids reduces itching thereby reducing inflammation. The drug should be used only as a last resort to relieve extreme discomfort and when allergy period is short since these medications also affect different organs in the body. The drug causes side effect, which include behavioral changes, frequent urination, increased thirst and appetite. Prolonged use may result to diabetes, susceptibility to infection and seizures. Corticosteroids include cortisone, dexamethasone and prednisone.

Allergy shots - Prior to administration of allergy shots, dogs are intradermally tested against 60 different substances. These substances include cat hair, feathers, molds, wool, dust, trees, insects, plants and pollens. Dogs must be free from steroids for a specific period for test results produce valid results. Allergy shots provide protection against common types of dog allergies but require six to twelve months before improvement becomes apparent.

Antihistamines - Examples of antihistamines commonly indicated for dog allergies include Benadryl, Atarax, Seldane, Chlortrimeton and Tavist. Dog owners indicated that best results usually produced using Atarax. These drugs are safe to use on dogs but have sedative effects on dogs. When administered at very low doses, the drug seems to be less effective.

Natural anti-inflammatory agents - Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty acids are natural anti-inflammatory substances helpful in 20% of allergic dogs. These are safe and virtually present no side effects when used as treatment for dog allergies. These products reduce inflammation, which may result to skin sores. It acts by effectively reducing itching and subsequently scratching. Products containing these fatty acids include Omega Pet, EFA-Z Plus and Derm Caps.

Symptomatic Treatment - Reduction of symptoms associated with dog allergies includes cool baths with medicated shampoos, Epsom salts and cool baths with or without oatmeal. Frequent bathing eases symptoms and provides temporary relief. Dermacool and Cortispray, a low dose nonsystemic cortisone spray, are safe to use for short period.

Avoidance of Offending Allergens - The best way to treat dog allergies, prevent complications and recurrence, is by avoiding the substances or allergens, which trigger allergic reactions. Activated charcoal or dehumidifier reduces mold population. Air cleaner with HEPA filter controls dusts and pollens while air conditioning units prevent entry of allergens from the outside environment.

Veterinarians agree that dog allergies are treatable and preventable. However, genes carrying natural tendency towards allergens pass down from the parents to their offspring. Hence, studying and recording allergic reaction of bred dogs help prevent and treat future generations of dogs.