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Do Dogs Like A Bath, Do They Need A Bath?

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Many people like to wash their dog to keep them clean and smelling nice, particularly if they live indoors. They also feel that it keeps his skin and coat healthy.

It may surprise you to know that if your dog has a normal skin and coat, bathing is not all that important in keeping it healthy. It's more important to feed them a quality food, as the natural skin oils help to repel dirt and keep their coat soft. Some dogs are washed only once a year, and they are clean and smell great.

Some less expensive foods aren't as good for your dog's coat as foods with a higher price tag - this relates to the quality of ingredients. If you find your dog's coat is dry and harsh, consider adding omega fatty acids to his meal several times a day. You can purchase a specific dog supplement to do this, or you can try adding sardines to his meal - fish oil is very good for his coat. Dog Breeds differ in their washing requirements. A Chow Chow for instance only requires a bath two or three times a year.

If you do want to bath your dog, here are some guidelines.

Choose your shampoo carefully. Never use a shampoo designed for humans, as the detergents are often too harsh for a dog's skin. It is quite possible that they will dry out the dog's skin and lead to irritation and itching. You may even think the the dog has fleas when it is really a skin irritation caused by the shampoo you have used. There are many shampoos available for dogs; choose one that is mild and soap free. You can also select flea shampoo as this not only rids he dog of fleas but obviously is designed especially for dogs.

Use warm water, it's much more comfortable for your dog. Some dogs are afraid of the hose, or become afraid of the hose beacause the water used in a previous bath wasn't tested for heat or cold beforehand. These dogs may enjoy being washed in a large tub. Use a small bucket or a scoop to pour water over his back. Also be careful of the hot water, we don't want to burn our best mate. Many people choose to wash their dog in their own shower as they find it easier and less messy.

When you're washing him, don't scrub his coat harshly. It can irritate his skin. A gentle lather will be just as effective and he'll enjoy it more. You may want to spend some time massaging his skin - he'll love it. Rinse off all traces of shampoo thoroughly, and consider using a leave-in conditioner, especially if his coat is dry. Dogs rarely like their heads to be wet and, just like humans, dislike soap in their eyes, leave the head area to last.

A good towel dry will finish off his bath, and stop you getting drenched when he shakes! Most dogs find this the most enjoyable part of the wash, the rubdown and massage that goes with it. Some people like to blow dry their dogs. It's not uncommon for small fluffy breeds to be dried like this. Be careful not to burn their skin with the hot air. One of the frustrating events after the dog wash is the dog rolling on the grass and dirt trying to rid itself of the wetness. So dry the dog as thoroughly as you can and then distract him by throwing a ball or toy. This not only distracts but will help dry the coat completely.

How often do you have to bath your dog? As mentioned, some people wash their dogs very infrequently, but you may not be comfortable with that. If your dog has a skin problem, your vet may have prescribed a medicated shampoo. You may have to shampoo your dog with this as often as twice weekly.

For dogs with normal skin, the less they are bathed, the better. Feeding them well has a much greater impact on skin health than washing. Ideally, wash them no more frequently than monthly. This will allow you to use the monthly flea control products and not wash them off in between applications.

A clean dog is much nicer to cuddle, and he won't leave dirty marks on your couch. Take care with what you feed him and how you bath him, and he'll be soft and smelling sweet. Also remember that a dog is a dog, not a human, and some dogs do enjoy smelling very badly and will go out of their way to rub their coats in the most vile things imaginable and then trot happily back to you with a big smile.

Don't punish the dog for being a dog. Just wash the little darling again.