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How To Tell If Your Dog Is Pregnant

27 15:36:47
If you are the owner of a female dog, at some point you may find yourself wondering how to tell if your dog is pregnant. If your dog has not been spayed and spends time outside, there is always the possibility that she could be pregnant. Like humans, a professional medical diagnosis is the only way to be certain, but there are some telltale signs that usually indicate your dog has become pregnant. A dog's gestational period is around 63 days, so the symptoms will start to appear rather quickly.

One way to tell if your dog is pregnant is by observing her stomach. A pregnant dog's stomach will usually become enlarged early in pregnancy and it may even be possible to feel the puppies inside her stomach if you gently push on the stomach. This tends to work better on dogs that are a normal weight because on overweight dogs the stomach changes may not be noticeable. If your dog is in the later stages of pregnancy, you may even be able to see the puppies moving around inside her stomach!

Any changes in your dog's eating habits may also be a sign of pregnancy. Some dogs eat more when they are pregnant in order to nourish the developing puppies, whereas others will have a decreased appetite due to nauseau, very similar to the morning sickness that pregnant humans sometimes experience. Early in pregnancy, many dogs will even pass up their favorite foods. If you notice your dog eating more or less than usual, it may be time to bring her to the vet for an ultrasound.

There are other changes to look out for, too. Variations in your dog's behavior and activity level are also a way to tell if your dog is pregnant. If you notice your dog is suddenly less active and sleeping more than usual, this could mean puppies are on the way. Increased territorial behavior can also indicate that your dog is expecting. Pregnant dogs may also experience swelling of the nipples and vulva and a clear vaginal discharge.

Although there are many simple ways to tell if your dog is pregnant, the presence of these symptoms does not automatically indicate pregnancy. If you see any of these signs and suspect your dog may be pregnant, it is important that you bring your dog to the veterinarian to get an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy. Dog ultrasounds are surprisingly cheap and do not cause any discomfort to the dog, and that is the only way to be certain that your dog is indeed pregnant.