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Choosing The Right Joint Supplements For Your Pet

27 15:35:44
The muscles in human body weaken due to age. This is the reason some people have a hard time holding things or standing up straight. Such symptoms are also seen in dogs and cats so those who own one should know how to choose the right joint supplements for your pet.

The best to do this is by doing some research on the web, reading a book or asking some tips from the local veterinarian. All of these sources will say the same and that is arthritis is the most common problem that affects canines and felines.

Before buying any supplements, the owner must know first what is causing the problem. It is possible that the dog or cat is overweight. The best solution for this is by making changes in the diet to help it burin the excess pounds.

The pet should eat food that does not have food coloring, no added preservatives. It should also be low in fat and carbohydrates. If you are having a hard time looking for this in the supermarket, there is nothing wrong by preparing a meal with some meat and vegetables. This should also be combined with exercise in order to increase the metabolic rate.

One of the best joint supplements that can be purchased over the counter is the glucosamine tablet. Studies reveal this helps maintain the structure in the cartilage. If possible, it would be great to buy the brand that has chondroitin sulfate. This draws water into the cartilage that provides added nutrition and lubrication.

Another good supplement is called methylsulfonylmethane. This is used on pets that are suffering from arthritis and tests have not revealed any negative side effects.

Humans can treat arthritis by eating foods or taking tablets that are high in Omega 3, which is a fatty acid. The same can be offered to a dog because humans and animals have similar biological characteristics.

Since cats and dogs are often regarded as members of the family, some tender loving care can help ease the pain brought about by arthritis. This can be done by massaging the joints and the surrounding muscles. Some have even applied massaging oil since it does not cost that much to buy from the drug store.

Some herbs can also be used to treat arthritis. Examples of these includes burdock, licorice, shepherd's purse, alfalfa and yucca extract. This is used to relieve the pain and help the body get rid of excess waste.

The ortho flex joint ease supplement that has chondroitin sulfate, as its main ingredient is another bestseller. This is because it can relieve arthritis and rheumatism.

There are other food joint supplements available aside from those mentioned. Is there one that stands out among the rest? The answer is no because although each of these have different ingredients, it does what it is supposed to do and that is provide relief from the pain.

Some of these are available in pill or liquid form. Many prefer the wet one because this is easier absorbed by the body compared to the one that will dissolve in the digestive system of the cat or dog.

Aside from supplements, you should also buy a small warm bed for the pet to sleep on. Letting it lie on a concrete floor that is cold during most parts of the day doesn't not make any difference to the measures taken like feeding it supplements or giving it a massage that is supposed to relieve the pain.