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Yeast Candida: Dealing With Skin, Ear & Odor Fungal Problems In Dogs Or Cats

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Yeast Candida infection is chronic and systemic - meaning it won't go away without major work, and it can affect any organ or system of the body. The list of most common symptoms is at the bottom of this page. Seeing many of these symptoms with your pet is totally indicative of Candida overgrowth. As the Candida fungus takes over intestinal tissues, and continues to grow, toxins and yeast cells from the infection are excreted into tissues and will eventually work their way to the skin surface at various areas of the body. As these toxins and cells reach the surface, they are recognized as invaders by the immune system; therefore, an Immune System Response (ISR) is the natural result. Since an Allergic Reaction is also an ISR, it is completely natural and common for the Vet to assess that there is an 'allergy' situation at hand, especially since he likely knows little about the Candida culprit occupying the gut and filtering out at the skin.


Incorrect Foods - which you find in your typical larger stores - will feed the Yeast infection issue constantly, and thereby produce flare-ups of symptoms. It is food items high in Glycemic index (converting to sugar very quickly) that will feed the growth of the Yeast, which feeds off of sugar in the system. Starchy food items are the main problem - including potatoes, white rice, corn in any form, wheat grain in any form. Any of these items can produce what APPEARS to be an allergic reaction - due to how quickly the yeast responds.

Understanding these food items as enemy #1, when you examine most every big-name/highly-advertized pet food, you will find them laden with items that fall into this category. The rule of thumb - if you can find it in a big store, it won't be good for a dog/cat suffering this problem.

Allergies vs Candida Yeast: The Confusion

Most people dealing with these itchy symptoms involving skin, ears, and feet/legs in a pet have been led to believe their pet has ALLERGIES (to 'something'). However (and unfortunately), veterinarian medical education rarely touches on common digestive system disorders - which are 'easily caused', and can be negatively impacted by the most readily available pet foods or snacks. As a result, most Vets have little knowledge of Leaky-Gut Syndrome and its role in a Candida Yeast Problem. Antibiotics, Steroids and special foods for allergy treatment are suggested by many vets as a "solution"; but, these immune-suppressing med's, and high-starch foods, often provide the perfect environment for the hidden 'Candida yeast condition' to actually expand and worsen. To read a series of reviews on misdiagnosis of "pet allergies", please click here.

Your Vet May Suggest Allergy Testing

Expensive allergy tests of a pet with this condition will usually produce FALSE POSITIVE RESULTS, making it look like the pet has sensitivities to multiple sources when it really doesn't. This happens because the pet's immune system is severely compromised, and therefore acting in a somewhat hyper-sensitive mode. In addition,

A Thyroid Condition May Be Involved

A significant number of cases actually "Test Positive" for low thyroid but were evaluated incorrectly. Therefore we feel that it is important to get a COMPLETE AND CORRECT THYROID PANEL done by Dr. Jean Dodds of Hemopet, CA. Pets with low thyroid conditions require regular medication to help regulate thyroid function. Without the meds pets go through cycles of good and bad.

Yeast Candida & Leaky-Gut Systemic Yeast Infection, (Aka: Yeast Candida ~ Candida Albicans ~ Candidiasis)

Various names are used to refer to this, the most common condition with dogs (and some cats). This is an illness, but not one which is acquired; as this issue is a digestive disorder which is 'caused'. With this illness, the Candida Albicans form of Yeast (a powerful & evasive pathogen) has taken control of the Gut, via infections growing on intestinal tissues. This page provides a brief overview of the Yeast Candida problem.

As mentioned, this illness is a result of damage to the protective FLORA, or beneficial bacteria colonies that normally coat the internal walls of the intestines. The most prevalent causes for the Flora damage are Antibiotic use, and modern day vaccination protocols (Rabies vaccination being the most upsetting to the system). Once 'good-guy bacteria' colonies have been damaged, destroyed, or stripped away by whatever means, TWO things begin to happen. FIRST, a Leaky-Gut syndrome will occur; wherein, food proteins or other cells or tiny particles can leak through surface tissues and enter the BODY CAVITY (starting skin problems). SECOND, the Yeast Candida pathogen (intermixed within the Flora) will seize the opportunity to attach to the bare intestinal walls, creating infection areas that show up white against the pinkish tissues (see left). With the resulting infections on intestinal tissues, the yeast is able to feed and grow - worsening infections and subsequent external symptoms. The main feeding element for the Yeast is sugar, which enters the body mostly from High Glycemic Foods, such as corn, wheat flour or gluten, potatoes, isolated white rice, etc.

If you already feel confident the Yeast Candida is what you're dealing with, you can readily find all natural solutions to help support the boys' natural ability to heal itself. If, as touched on in following paragraphs, you're mindset is all wrapped up with the diagnosis of Allergies, then it is recommended that you research the validity of "pet allergies"? Unfortunately, most people dealing with this issue in their pets have been led to believe their pet has ALLERGIES. Veterinarian medical education rarely touches on the nutritional issues that affect the digestive tract; as a result, most Vets have little knowledge of Candida and how it contributes to a Systemic Yeast Infection or Leaky-Gut Condition. Medications and special foods for allergy treatment are suggested by your vet as the solution, but these often provide the perfect environment for the Candida yeast condition to actually expand and worsen.