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Help Your Overweight Dog To Lose Extra Pounds With Dog Food

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It could be hard to determine whether your dog is overweight or obese. You should ask your vet doctor to check his size during every medical check-up. Optimum or ideal weight range of the dog varies depending upon its age. If its current weight is more than 15% as that of ideal, it is obese and if it is from 0-15%, then it is overweight. While giving dog food, you should be careful to help it lose weight.

If you want to roughly know about its weight status, what you can do is check around his/her spine and ribs. If you are able to locate a thin layer of fat which separates the skin from the bones, then your dog is overweight.

Ask for weighing scale to your vet doctor and check its weight monthly to make sure that it’s on the right track. Another simple way to measure its weight at your home is, first you alone stand on the scale and then take your pooch with you and weigh again. Calculate the difference between two weights which is the weight of your dog.

Some dog breeds are more prevalent to obesity than others. German Shepherds, Greyhounds and Yorkshire Terriers are slim species which can’t gain weight easily. While other species such as Cairn Terriers, Beagles, Cocker Spaniels, Scottish Terriers, Basset Hounds, Cocker Spaniels, Golden Retrievers, Labs, Rottweiler and Newfoundland are at higher risk of gaining weight.

Besides these aspects, you would also be responsible for pet’s obesity. Because what and how much you feed your dog decides if it gains weight. So, you will have to make sure that you are providing it proper dog food in a proper proportion. For your overweight dog, knowing correct serving size of food is very essential. You should read food labels when you buy pet food to know the calories and nutrients in it. Take advice from your vet doctor when regarding the servings and portion sizes.

While deciding a weight loss diet for dog�

Assess what your dog eats daily. Don’t miss out snacks and treats that it gets from your friends, relatives or neighborhoods. In such cases, you may need to keep your dog away from such treats. Serve him with healthy meal options. Vegetables such as carrots or rice cakes will work fine. By knowing the amount required by him, put only that much quantity in its eating bowl.

You may try reducing his calorie intake by 15-20% for six-eight weeks and then observe the results. Your vet doctor will suggest you the exact calorie reduction required based on dog’s current weight, breed and energy level. If dog cries or whines for more food, don’t try to feed him snacks or dog treats.

Diet dog food is required for its weight loss which is rich with certain type of fibers. Fiber will make fuller earlier with ingestion of fewer calories and hence dog will eat less. You have several options to choose from Pedigree products.

More importantly, don’t miss out exercise.

Along with good dog food, exercise is imperative to lose weight. Your lovely companion must get 15-20 minutes of physical activity for several times in a day. Dog walking or swimming are some good activities that will help it shed extra pounds.

Lastly, if diet and exercise doesn’t work for your overweight dog, you should consult with your vet doctor who can give medications for weight loss.