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What Things To Consider Before Buying Dog Feeding Bowls

27 15:33:26
What things to consider before buying dog feeding bowls

Everyone loves their pets and feed them the best quality food. Dogs and puppies are mischievous just like kids and they too tend to show tantrums while having food. One must never get angry or impatient if their dog is behaving in the same way.

Just as one is bothered about dog health and makes effort to select the best diet for the pooch, similarly choosing dog feeding bowls also requires some effort. Most puppies or dogs are too hyperactive and they tend to be over excited when given food. They will jump and step on the food bowl, will scatter, making the floor dirty and increasing your work. Faced similar such problem anytime? Look at some tips that will make things easy for you.

Tips for choosing dog feeding bowls

1) No plastic bowls - Some dogs have the habit of chewing feeding bowls along with food as well. In this case it is better that you dont choose a plastic bowl as not only the bowl will be damaged but plastic is a petroleum byproduct and not good for health. Plastic is definitely not a choice considering dog health.

2) Bowls for long eared dogs - If your dog has long ears then you must choose a bowl, which is a bit deep. This will make your dog comfortable while it drinks water and its ears will not be drowned in the water.

3) Bowls for playing dogs - Some dogs have the habit of playing with the bowl, after they have food, they tend to move the bowl or slide it all over the floor. Some dog feeding bowls come with a bowl holder to make the bowl stay intact at a place; do buy some of these as it will allow the bowl to stay in one place.

4) Automatic dog feeding bowls - Some dog feeding bowls are battery operated. These dog bowls are designed in a way that it will control the quantity of foods. It may reduce your work but it is not recommended for puppies. More than this, such feeding bowls are suitable only when you are giving dry packed food to the dog not otherwise.

5) The right sized bowl - Some dogs drink enough water, depending on their size. It is better to choose a bowl accordingly, which will hold that much water. If the bowl is too small, either the dog will be dehydrated or you have to fill the bowl more often.

Always make a list of the specific need and habits of your dog before selecting any of the dog feeding bowls. More than this consider the dog health and choose the appropriate material for the feeding bowl.