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Harmful Pet Foods That Dogs Should Never Eat

27 15:29:49
Harmful pet foods that dogs should never eat

We all love our pets and one of ways to express love is giving treats. However, pet owners may not have enough money to buy treats every time. So they tend to give human treats such as chocolate, alcohol, coffee etc. But from latest research it was found that human treat can be dangerous to pets, they may cause poisonous reaction also. Some of them I have listed below.


Chocolate is humans most favorite treat for every occasion but it is a most dangerous pet foods. All kinds of chocolate like dark chocolate, white chocolate contains one toxic chemical theobromine. Just licking of chocolate may cause vomiting, diarrhea and excessively thirsty. In severe cases, chocolate may cause abnormal heart rhythm, seizures, tremors and death.


Ethanol is the main component of alcohol can be toxic if ingested in large amount. Even a small amount of alcohol can cause different signs and symptoms such as depression, excitement, slowed respiratory rate, increased urination or death.


Avocados can be a deadly pet foods. The bark, leaves, fruits and seeds are reported as toxic. The persin is main compound of avocado known for its toxicity causes various symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, fluid accumulation in chest and abdomen.

Onion and garlic:

Onion and garlic can cause poisoning in pets. Raw, cooked, fresh, dried all forms of them are harmful, they can destroy dog red blood cell that leads to anemia. Common symptoms of anemia are weakness, vomiting, breathlessness, dullness etc. So onion should not be included in pet foods ingredient list.

Macadamia nuts:

Macadamia nuts are used in cookies and candies. These nuts can cause vomiting, weakness, depression, tremors, elevated body temperature and hyperthermia in dogs. If ingested in large amount may lead to death.

Raw eggs:

Raw eggs can be toxic by two ways. Eggs may contain bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli or enzyme in raw egg may interfere with vitamin B. This may cause skin problems.


Ingestion of salt causes excessive thirst, urination and even sodium ion poisoning. Other symptoms are depression, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures or death. So keep your dog away from salt and salty food as pet foods.

Grapes and raisins:

This is common practice to give grapes and raisins but it may cause vomiting and diarrhea. Sometime grapes may cause depression. It was found that grape might cause kidney failure in some dogs.

Milk and milk products:

Pets cannot secrete lactase an enzyme needed to break down lactase in milk. This may result into diarrhea or other digestive upset problems.