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How To Treat Dog Fleas And Prevent It From Coming Back

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It is said that dogs are man's best friend. Simply seeing your dog and stroking its luxurious coat of fur brings a tremendous joy at the end of a long and stressful day. But such simple joys can be ruined if your dog has fleas. In times like these, knowing how to treat dog fleas can spell the difference between joy and distress for you and your beloved pet.

Fleas are small, wingless insects that bite and feed off the blood of dogs and even humans. These parasites, aside from giving annoying itches, can induce allergic reactions, as well as transmit bacterial infection and other diseases. As such, being knowledgeable of how to treat dog fleas is very important.

Here are some tips on how to treat dog fleas:

1. Check for signs of flea infestation

Look at areas where your dog's fur is at its thinnest, such as its belly. Watch out for small reddish welts 1/8 to inch in diameter as well as little brownish specks. These are flea bites and feces, respectively.Its the best way to identify flea infestation, as the insects are too small to see.

2. Use of flea shampoos

A high quality shampoo should be capable of killing adult fleas, flea eggs and larvae, as well as keeping fleas from coming back. Pay a visit to the veterinarian to know what kind of shampoo works best for a given breed.

When you procure a high quality flea shampoo, start by lathering it on the neck and then the head, finally shampooing the rest of your dogs body. Pay close attention to the base of the tail, where fleas are often found, as well as the stomach and other places where the dog feels particularly itchy.

Afterwards, rinse your dog thoroughly to avoid it from ingesting the shampoo by accident.

3. Use preventive flea medications recommended by your vet

Waterproof formulations with Fipronil, Permethrin and Amitraz are particularly effective tools in the how to treat dog fleas kit. Thesestuff kill the fleas that survive the shampoo. Italso does a good job of protecting your dog from flea infestations. These can be applied to the base of the dog's neck.

4. Keep the environment free of fleas

Attention should be focused on beddings, carpets and rugs, as these are breeding grounds for fleas outside the dog's body. For these, constant and thorough vacuuming can keep the population of fleas inside your home in check.

You may also invest in foggers, sprays and carpet powders to do the job. For the outdoors, constant cleaning of your dog's favorite areas can prevent fleas from making a home of your poor pet.

When you can, opt for prevention. Knowing how to treat dog fleas is hard, and doing so is harder for both owner and dog. Keep your dog away from fleas, and keep yourself and your pet happy.