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Dealing With Fleas And Ticks

27 16:52:32
Unfortunately, fleas can be a real problem. They aren\'t only irritating to your dog, they can really get on your nerves too! While they don\'t usually transmit disease, they will pester you with bites. And, if you, your family, or your dog is allergic, an entire new level of discomfort may arise. Ticks, on the other hand, are disease carriers and may pass along Lyme disease. The good news is that you don\'t have to live with these pests.

America provides a happy home to over 200 species of fleas. But only one is a sure pest to you and your animals. The cat flea loves to attach itself to a pet as their fur offers a great place to lay eggs and breed. And breed they will. The female flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day. Because they eat their own excrement, fleas can remain in your house or car even if you\'re gone for a while.

Aside from the obvious scratching and itching, fleas can cause weakness, transmit tapeworms, contribute to an unhealthy coat, cause diarrhea, and seizures. Luckily, there are treatments for dogs and for our homes. Pills and liquids are available to ward off fleas while sprays and powders are popular in homes. In addition, make sure you comb and wash your pet fairly regularly. Put all blankets and bedding he comes in contact with in the washing machine. And, vacuum your home often and get rid of the debris it picks up.

Ticks are gross. Their mouth\'s barbs attach to animals and people and begin sucking their blood. And because of their crab like legs, they\'re in the same family as the spider. It\'s important to find ticks as soon as possible. It\'s also important to remove them all of them. The body may be removed but the mouth can remain in the skin. Be sure to grab the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull. Tweezers are great instruments for this sort of task.

With about 200 tick species in America, ticks love to make their homes in the woods, at the beach, in cities, and, well, everywhere. Female ticks may lay up to 6,000 eggs at one time. Ticks can also live for years and can survive for great lengths of time without food. This makes them extra tricky. And, because they carry diseases, they\'re a big threat. Always check your dog for ticks and watch for weakness, fever, reduced appetite, and gradual paralysis. There are preventative treatments available; check with your vet.