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A Well Trained Dog Is The Best Companion

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You dreamed of bringing home Lassie, but you may have a dog that acts more like Cujo! You can do just a little training, and you will see that your dog will be a better dog in no time.

Try to see things from your dog's perspective. Things that seem simple to you may not be as simple to your dog if he is having a hard time learning them. Do not give up! Switch things up by thinking like a dog. This could help you overcome training hurdles.

Use a controlled and calm behavior when rewarding your dog for good behavior. Immediately after the animal acts in accordance with your command, reward him. This helps to calm the animal and reinforce your training efforts. Though you might be satisfied with this type of accomplishment, excitement may lead to your pet having diminished control over the situation. Therefore, remain calm and expect your dog to act calm. Once this is accomplished, reward your dog.

When you are training your dog, be mindful of the time spent in one session. Dogs can quickly lose focus when you prolong activities. Keep the lessons down to about 10 minutes or so.

When toilet training your dog, try to avoid accidents! Learn your dog's signals, so you can anticipate the need to go out. Constant whining, sniffing, and pacing around the house are all very common signs. Do not hesitate if you notice this behavior. Quickly leash your pet and lead him to an area where he can relieve himself. Reward the dog for using the bathroom outdoors. Over time, he is going to learn to try to get outside to go.

Make sure your dog knows how to obey, to reduce the frequency of their barks. Every time he barks, tell them the silent order and then treat him. You could give your dog treats. In time, your dog will learn to be quiet if he wants a treat.

Use the dog's name as much as possible to ensure that it pays attention. Over time and repetition, the dog will begin to understand their name and that they are being spoken to. It is important to use a name the dog easily understands.

Make sure you're aware of any other dogs in the area when walking your dog. Sometimes, other dogs can get aggressive, as you want to keep your dog out of harms way. Take care to avoid coming into contact with any animal that appears overly aggressive or antisocial.

Remember not to reward your dog for bad behavior when they do something negative. When this happens, you are teaching your dog that he is boss. For instance, do not give treats to the dog when it barks.

If you are traveling with dogs, make sure to pack everything that your dog needs to eat, sleep and use the bathroom. When you come prepared with plenty of supplies, you will be able to enjoy your trip. Items like food can be left at home. Simply purchase some when you reach your destination.

Many dog owners are quite surprised at how quickly they can achieve good results with even a basic dog training routine. Consider giving some of the ideas outlined above a try, in order to improve the bond between you and your dog.