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California Dog Bite Law: Are You’re A Victim Of A Dog Attack? Consult With A Dog Bite Expert Witn

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California Dog Bite Laws Consultants A dog bite injury is sometimes catastrophic and life threatening which is why a victim should seek medical help right away. This means that the owner is automatically place under strict liability because the victim is no longer required to prove that the owner is at fault. However, dog owners can get away if the victim has assumed the risk.

Injuries Caused by Dogs
A victim can apply for compensation if he or she was injured due to a dog attack. You can ask for compensation if the dog caused your injury as long as it was not your fault. Example, without provocation the dog chased you and you tripped over, any injury should be compensated. In addition, dogs with habit of knocking people around because of their hyper behavior can lead to compensation of the injury. If the dog is known to knock people off their balance, any injury that resulted to this action is qualified for compensation.

Assuming that there are statutes that cover these injuries, you will need legal assistance from a dog bite attorney or a dog bite expert witness to be able to ask for compensation. Similarly, if you are the dog owner and you want to defend your case, you will require assistance from these professionals too.

Dogs make good companions because they possess qualities that benefit us physically, emotionally, and socially. They promote physical activity since owners have to feed, groom, walk, and play with their dogs regularly. In return, they promote physical and emotional health because these actions eliminate boredom, stress, and anxiety. Furthermore, they promote interpersonal skills because often times, our dogs are good sources of conversation.

Although owning a dog has some benefits, it requires responsibility too because there are instances where these animals become fierce. Dogs are known to be territorial animals. They attack people or other entities they deem unknown or strangers. In dog bite cases, you can either be the victim of the dog attack or the perpetrator if you are the owner of the dog. These scenarios often lead to lawsuits and when this happens, you will need experts in dog bite cases to sort out your dilemma.

What to do if a Dog Bites You
If you are a victim of a dog bite or attack, you need medical help because this is the only way to prevent complicating the situation. A dog’s mouth and saliva contain harmful bacteria and viruses which can result to infection or sickness. Rabies for instance is present in infected dogs and it can be transferred to humans with the same devastating effect if left untreated. This is the reason why we need rabies shots to combat the deadly virus.

Legalities of a Dog Bite California
Each state has their own laws when it comes to dog bite cases but most of them put the liability on the dog owner thus, victims of dog attacks are often compensated. California dog bite laws for instance place dog owners under strict civil liability. This law allows dog victims to claim for damages. On the other hand, dog owners may be free from liability if the attack resulted due to provocation or negligence of the victim.

If you are a victim or a perpetrator you will require legal assistance from experts like an attorney or a dog bite expert witness. This is one way to solve a dog bite issue because these professionals can help you with their skills. The dog bite expert witness can provide his or her opinion which plaintiffs use to ask for recovery. Similarly, dog owners can use the expertise of a dog bite expert witness.