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Dog Barking - Effective Methods To Stop Your Dog Barking

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Incessant dog barking is an annoying and nuisance behavior that needs to be curbed at early stages. Other than natural reasons there are situations when they bark for no apparent cause. Understanding the reasons for barking is an essential first step in dealing with this problem.

Dogs bark for various reasons. It is their way of communicating to you their moods, excitement and to get your attention to their needs. It is not mere noise but in conjunction with their body language, tail movements and facial expressions they tend to convey their message across to you.

Some instances are- Low pitched growl and loud bark with ears perked and tail up shows sign of his dominance. Short and sharp bark along with swift tail wags shows he is excited. Low growl escalating to a howling bark with bristled tail when he perceives intruders in the territory. High pitched constant bark when he is in distress or alone and so on.

Once you know what triggers the barking then putting a fix is an easy task. Reasons for barking fall into two main categories - Basic behavior problem and situations and circumstances contributing to the barking. Barking on instinct is natural and should not be restrained.

Here are some proven techniques to stop your dog's continuous barking, which is unwarranted and not natural:

* Your dog must learn first what is expected of him and what is not. If he barks to get your attention and manipulates you to give in to his needs then it is not good. If you give him a treat or play whenever he barks then it reinforces that behavior and he will do even more in the future. Turn away from him and simply disregard his barks. He may be surprised and bark harder at first by your action but the more consistent you are the effective control it would be.

* Divert his attention whenever he barks. Use "quiet" or "enough" or whatever word you want to use to divert him when he barks. Use the same word all the time not to confuse him. When he obeys to your command and stop barking, reward him with a treat and praise him immediately. He starts to associate treat and praise with the command you use and learn to be quiet.

* Barking as a means to display dominant behavior: If the dog refuses to obey and continues to bark back to you with aggression, then he believes that he is the leader of the pack. It's very important that your dog recognizes that you outrank him as the leader an Alpha dog and he is below you. They are well behaved under a leadership and form a strong bond with you based on trust and respect.

* Another reason for constant barking is boredom. Dogs are social animals and need constant interaction with fellow humans. They will be on the edge without these and let out their stress through barking. Interactive play with your dog like throwing and fetching the ball and a long walk will help.

* Loneliness and Separation anxiety can trigger incessant barking: The anxiety that builds up with time when your dog is alone can cause him to bark constantly in an attempt to get out of that situation. Exercise him enough to tire him out so that he sleeps when you are away and provide enough chewy items and toys to engage him till you return.

Use of shock or citronella collars to control your dog barking is not recommended and can be used only as last resort for a stubborn dog. Understanding and retraining by reward is the most humane approach to dog barking problem.