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Benefits Of Positive Reinforcement During Dog Training

27 16:24:42
Positive reinforcement can be practiced in dog training. This is done by rewarding them if they are in their best behaviors with treats, walks, games, car rides or praise and ignoring their bad actions. The following are several benefits that you can get from this.


Everyone in your family can be involved in coaching your pet and they can use positive reinforcement. It can be dangerous for a child to discipline a pup using a leash or any other form of punishment. By giving them dog treats and with an adult supervision, they will be able to know how to handle them the same way that you do. Strong voice and striking or hitting them is unnecessary. They will learn better if they are disciplined properly.


Canines will easily understand what you want them to do and you can reward them if they do things correctly. They will more likely to repeat those proper behaviors if you will recognize their actions. If trainers will teach their dogs through punishment, it may cause confusion to them. A good example of this is when you catch your pooch urinating on the floor and you instantly hit them. You did this with the intention of telling them that what they did is not acceptable inside the house. The canine will interpret this differently. To them, urinating when you are around is not okay. This is a certainly a communication issue that what you want to relay to them is not understood.

This confusion can be avoided if you will discipline them in a positive way. Try bringing them outside of your house every morning to make them aware that it is where they should urinate or eliminate. If you will continuously do this, they will get used to the idea. There will be no need for punishment but instead, give them lots of treats and praises.


Every dog is unique and punishment will not work with aggressive canines. Their behavior can get worse. Shy or fearful pups will be more scared if punishment will be used during training. With proper coaching, even different breeds and characters will benefit from it.


There are instances when your pooch will excessively dig and chew anything. This is their way of letting you know that they are bored. When you train them you are preventing them from boredom. They can release their excess energy into something productive.

Make their coaching session fun and short. If they recognize that it will lead them to good things they will view their training as playtime and they will act more properly.


Positive reinforcement during dog training will help you bond more with your pet. Their trust to their master will develop and will grow stronger. If ever you feel like your patience is dwindling and you feel like hitting them, try to put yourself in their place. You will understand more what they will feel and as an owner, you will learn to treat them properly.