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Three Top Online Dog Training Products Reviewed

27 16:21:57
While there are many training and behavior products on the market, for training your dog or training your puppy - both online and on-the-shelf - there are three resources I think are in a class of their own. These products are all available online, are all reasonably priced and all have ironclad guarantees (and include a huge amount of bonus material), but their differences are what make them all worth taking a look at.

These three dog training resources are some of the best-selling products of their kind, though there are plenty of others out there. Each of these products has a slightly different method in presenting the information and providing it to you after the initial sale. If you want a solid, well-respected manual that you can download instantly; a video-based training system that allows you to see and hear a pro trainer's methods; or an ongoing resource that provides you with access to new materials on a constant basis; you'll find a quality product in these three, all-star dog and puppy training informational products.

I don't know if you should call this the grand-daddy of online dog training products, but it is definitely one of the top-selling online products for dog lovers ever. Over 21,000 users of the SitStayFetch system are learning the dog obedience secrets to stop their dog's behavior problems - immediately and for good. SitStayFetch is a DOWNLOADABLE e-book that covers a myriad of common dog problems and training techniques that WILL help you have a better behaved and well-trained dog! SitStayfetch is over 150 pages long and in full color. Bonus ebooks are included with your standard order, on topics such as: grooming, security training, house training, and becoming the alpha dog.

Also included is a free consultation with the SitStayFetch experts to answer your specific question. An upgrade is available, which includes a "downloadable DVD", which includes video lessons on other dog training specifics. All-in-all, SitStayFetch is a great product, with many satisfied users, so take a closer look (follow this link and sign up for a free 6-day dog-training course!).

Adam Katz, the founder of, has created a dog training/behavior resource that is far more than a manual or a bag full of bonuses. This site is one of the most complete sites for dog-training related information on the Internet and includes downloadable books, articles, advice, member forums and submissions, equipment reviews, nutrition information, videos and more.

If you are looking for a resource that will be there week-after-week and month-after-month, is it. For a small membership fee, and a very small monthly fee, you'll enjoy access to all of this information anytime you want. You don't have to download all of the materials (and there is a lot!) right away, for fear that there is some time limit on access to the information. It will be there for as long as you want, and for you to download as you need. You'll also be able to join in on the members-only forums and share advice with other dog lovers!

Take a look at the 17 bonuses that will make your dog behave better, today... Also, make sure to follow that page to the home page, and sign up for the free dog-training e-newsletter. Either way, just take a minute and see what has to offer.

Dog Training by Dove Cresswell

Dove Cresswell is a professional dog trainer, but not just for you and me and Fido, but for Hollywood (Hollywood North, anyway). Films, television shows and commercials have featured animals she has trained, so it's a good bet that she has the know-how to teach you something about having a well-behaved pet that listens.

She has also created a somewhat unique set of dog training products that are all video and audio-based. Maybe it's her Hollywood background, but instead of just writing her methods down, she demonstrates them herself in full-color video. You don't need to print out an ebook or read through hundreds of boring pages - just watch Dove and her canine friends. These are the same dog training methods the pros in the entertainment industry use. She'll also throw in a free dog training question/challenge that Dove will answer for you.

It's probably best if you see a sample of Dove's video-based training methods (at, and you can watch a whole lesson for free (you'll see the link for it right at the top of the page)! You don't have anything to lose by taking a look at Dove's website and free video dog training lesson, so give it a try...

These online resources will help you and your best friend get along better with each other, with other dogs in your house, and make your dog happier and healthier.