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How Can You Train Your Dog With A Dvd?

27 16:12:06
How can you train your dog with a DVD? Can you begin training an adorable little puppy when it's still quite young and somehow have a well-trained dog after a while? Or if your dog is older, could you teach it to sit, to stay, to come, to lie down, and to walk on a loose leash?

The answer is evident: maybe.

It depends on you. The dog or puppy is willing to learn, and it's not hard to get a really good DVD on dog training. Do you want to do this enough that you will really get around to it? If you will, you'll find that a DVD can motivate as well as teach you what you need to do.

Here is what to do. Think about when the training will fit into your schedule. The best is if you can do three to five sessions most days, but even two sessions a day -- likely before you feed the dog breakfast and dinner -- are useful. Several sessions are better than one long one because studies have shown that dogs learn better this way.

So if planning and following through don't bother you, chances are excellent that you can train your dog by using a DVD.

DVDs or dog training classes?

Should you take your dog to a class rather than train him with a DVD? Well, it depends. In this situation, the key factor is whether there is a high quality dog training instructor in your vicinity. Do be aware that while recent scientific information shows that dogs learn better with positive, pain-free methods, most trainers have not yet crossed over to only using these methods. Beyond that, consider whether the class schedule fits yours.

If there is a dog training class in your vicinity that uses positive methods, it's a good idea to take it if you can. This doesn't rule out using a DVD as well. There is always more to learn about dog training. Most dogs really enjoy the positive form of training, and you can deepen your bond with your dog by continuing to train.

Selecting the Best Dog Training DVD

Be sure to get a DVD using positive reinforcement methods. I was very pleased to find Train Your Dog: The Positive, Gentle Method, with Nicole Wilde and Laura Bourhenne. I had read some of Wilde's books and was not surprised at the high quality of the program. It covers come, sit, stay, puppy training, and much more.