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Add Aerobic Exercise As A Dog Training Aid For Multiple Benefits

27 16:11:15
When you look for a dog training aid, you probably think of things like leashes, collars and various noise makers. The last thing on your mind is aerobic exercise, but it is one aid that provides multiple benefits for your dog.

The most powerful dog training aid is aerobic exercise. Without exercise, a dog will have far too much energy to be able to concentrate on what you are trying to teach them. Dogs are similar to children in this respect. When they are wound up, all they want to do is move around. They do not want to sit in class and focus on the lessons.

Strenuous exercise benefits your dog in a variety of areas and prepares him for the serious work that lies ahead. Apart from wearing him out, exercise helps to keep him fit in mind and body.

It increases a dog's oxygen consumption and makes the heart beat stronger and faster. It is the kind of exercise that tires out a dog. Allowing your dog to run off leash is one of the best ways to accomplish this, however a treadmill is a good alternative.

Dogs with behavioral problems gain a tremendous benefit from physical exercise. You can test this yourself. Give your dog enough physical exercise that he tires himself out, and then put him through a few training lessons. You will notice that he is a far more willing participant and quicker to grasp the commands after exercising regularly.

You will notice that the days he is exercised, the more subdued he is until the next outing. On days when he gets less exercise or no exercise, he will begin to demonstrate a less cooperative behavior. Clearly, your dog will do much better with regular daily exercise.

Plan your exercise based on the type of dog you have. Hunting breeds need a lot of exercise, but small dogs (often known as lap dogs) need much less exercise. Large or "giant" breeds, surprisingly, do not need as much exercise as sporting dogs. As you can see, breed type should be considered. Also, it depends on your particular dog's personality. Some are more energetic than others.

Remember that exercise is very beneficial to your dog's overall health and provides many psychological benefits as well. It can be calming and mood stabilizing because physical exercise increases the release of endorphins and serotonin in the brain, even in dogs. Serotonin is particularly interesting because while physical activity increases its production, mental activity shuts it down. This can lead to depression. Yes, your dog can get depressed.

If your dog is melancholy and inactive, a good dose of aerobic exercise might be just the cure he needs. He will be calmer and in a better frame of mind for his training exercises. Apart from that, strenuous physical exercise that pumps blood through his system helps to guard against damage to brain cells, thereby maintaining your dog's thinking, memory and attention as he ages.

As long as your dog remains anxiety free and in top physical shape from the quantity and amount of exercise he gets, he will be easier to train and far more content.

To keep your dog in top form and ready for action, be sure to make excellent use of this powerful dog training aid.