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Dog Training Advice - Training Your Dog Well Is A Worthwhile Investment

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You should not expect your dog to think like a human, they do not have that ability. People who expect dogs to be puzzle masters will soon be disappointed. Read this article to understand a dog's psyche better, and know how to treat your pet.

If you are training your dog, always associate the exact same word or phrase with the same action or behavior. Your dog will relate the word with the behavior. Always remember that it is extremely beneficial to your training sessions if you remain consistent. Establish a short list of vocabulary associated with communicating with your dog.

One good way to get your dog's attention is by getting him accustomed to responding when you call him by his name. You will have more control over an obedient, well-trained animal. Practice this until you are satisfied by the dogs response. Also, it is very inappropriate for you to call the dog over to you and then punish him, as this will teach him to fear you and discourage him from coming when called.

Teething is painful, and providing chew toys helps alleviate the pain. Keep items that are potentially more painful out of reach. Then, give it something that it is allowed to chew on if it likes. Teething pain can be soothed by a washcloth that has been soaked in water and frozen.

Learn how to use positive reinforcement for training outside of treats. Using treats as a reward for learning a new behavior works. However, you may not always have a treat with you to congratulate you dog outside of regular training sessions. Petting and showing love to the dog are also good ways to reward your dog. You can use these kinds of positive reinforcements to encourage good behavior in addition to treats.

When teaching your dog a complicated routine, break the task into smaller elements. Let's use training your dog to fetch the paper as an example. The first step is him holding an object. Then the dog needs to begin learning to go for the object when given the name as a command. Next, teach him to pick up your paper. Finally, he should learn to bring the object to you. By breaking the task down into understandable steps, the dog will better understand what is expected of it.

Before you begin training your dog, you need to establish yourself as the alpha. Your dog will not respect or obey you, unless you let him know that you are the boss. Avoid allowing your dog to lead you during walks. Instead, walk in front of your dog to show that you are the leader of this pack.

Decide on a single phrase to use when housebreaking your new puppy. By using a dedicated expression to handle training commands, you can make it easier for your pet to focus and make connections. Although it sounds silly to repeat something like "poopie time!" over and over, the consistency will help your dog make the right link between being taken outside and relieving himself.

Dogs can concentrate on one thing intensely and you will have to learn to break his attention. With enough training, your dog should be able to pay more attention to your orders.

Try to research your animal behavioral specialist before you begin working with them. Opinions and techniques can vary from animal specialist to animal specialist. Make sure that the trainer you hire has a mentality similar to yours when it comes to working with pets.

The best time to start training a dog is when it's a puppy. You can teach an old dog new tricks, but the younger the dog the better he is going to respond to training. Beginning your dog's training when he is still young will help him to be a well-behaved dog as he ages.

Hopefully, the dog training advice you have read here has offered you some helpful ideas. Properly training your pooch can result in a happier, reduced stress life for the both of you.