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In No Way Put Up With An Aggressive Dog Who Exhibits Tendencies Of Violence

27 12:11:08
The new puppy was a handsome creature and displayed the finest traits to be found in a golden retriever at least in appearance. But trying to live with the poorly behaved animal was proving to be trying at best and miserable on the days that she would mind nothing that was said to her. Melinda got out the phone book and looked up dog training Philadelphia area and attempted to find a puppy obedience center nearby. She discovered one that was fairly close to where she lived and she picked up the phone and made an appointment before she decided she did not want to invest the time and money into her puppy. She sensed she really did not have a choice if she wanted to continue to keep this puppy and had any hope of making her into the kind of pet that other people would enjoy. She had used this kind of puppy instruction earlier that she had discovered under the listing dog training NYC area when she lived in that part of the country and she knew she could trust this branch of the same obedience school even though it had a different owner. At the time she had owned a standard poodle with a mind of his own and the school had done wonders for him. She could only hope that this one would work the same magic with her golden retriever and teach her some puppy etiquette as soon as possible.

People like Melinda are very willing to invest money and time into forming puppies into social animals who can be a pleasure to have around the house. A puppy that is ill-mannered is not only a pain to have around the house but they are also a problem if they are allowed to be hostile with other people. Some behaviors that indicate an aggressive canine are:

Are they overprotective of you or someone in your family? This can be a warning sign that the animal is fixated on being with you and jealous of others who are getting too close to you. This behavior is manifested by intense barking when others come near and sometimes growling at people, even other members of the family, who want to sit beside you or carry on a conversation or otherwise engage your attention thus taking it away from them.

Does your pet bark in a hostile manner at delivery men or visitors? This is not merely very annoying as you are attempting to conduct business with the person at the door but it also demonstrates that you have no control over animal. Your pet can lunge suddenly at the visitor and can cause anxiety and fear both to you and to your guest.

Does your pet look intently at other animals or people without looking away? This is a sign of dominance and should be taken seriously. It has been advised that a person not be the first to break eye contact with your puppy due to the fact that it can be interpreted as a relinquishing of power to that pet.