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Why Dog Training Is Essential

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Dog training is extremely vital for the dog's own well-being as well as for the safety of everyone else around the dog.

The correct training helps avoid many common problems with dogs, particularly in regard to its behavior. Dogs can be taught to develop good behavior habits right from an early age since they are creatures of habit. Maintaining certain guidelines and disciplined routines will help your dog avoid destructive behavior like chewing, excessive barking, digging and anxiety of separation.

Chewing on all and sundry objects will not only make it difficult for the dog to remain in the house but it is also a health hazard. When the dog is outside you will be perpetually worried about what it might take in its mouth. Training the dog to be obedient will avoid such pitfalls.

Separation anxiety is a very real fear which attacks even dogs, much like it does human beings. And like human beings, anxiety can take its toll on the health of the dog and make it unsociable, nervous and confused. This can sometimes turn vicious with the dog becoming uncontrollable and a menace to society instead of being the loving companion it is supposed to be.

Obedience training helps instill a sense of discipline in the dog and this comes in useful when it is separated from the owner. Many dogs find it difficult to adjust when they are left alone for even a short while and they may get into potential harmful mischief. Crate training, an off-shoot of obedience training is useful as it teaches the dog to willingly go inside a crate or cage and behave itself while you are out. This ensures the dog's safety as it will amuse itself quietly within the crate instead of getting into trouble outside while away from you.

Dog training is essential as a precautionary for the owner, the dog and anything which comes in contact with the dog. Teaching the dog to respond to your voice under all circumstances is very desirable as it can even save its life one day. Bolting out on a busy road or picking up something highly dangerous can be averted if the dog is taught to respond instantly to commands like, 'come', 'no', 'stop' or 'leave it'. Dog training and proper socialization of the dog is also reassuring and safe around other dogs and animals as it will not get into unnecessary or vicious fights with other animals and will thus not come to any harm of its own accord.

All dogs need adequate exercise for the promotion of their health and dog training is a good excuse to release all their pent-up energy in a positive way. This kills two birds with one stone; the dog learns obedience training while simultaneously getting good exercise.

A trained dog will be a happy and co-operative dog and the benefit will be mutual; the dog will enjoy good health and the owner will have the advantage of a loving and trusting companion.