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4 Tips To Choose Good Dog Training Schools

27 12:08:14
Whether you plan to train your dog on your own or not, it is important to spend a few weeks at a dog training school, simply for the socialization aspect that the school offers. For this reason, when you first bring your puppy home, you will need to look into dog training schools in your area and decide on the one that is the best match for you. That being said, it can actually be difficult to find a dog training school that really suits your needs.

Some schools only offer specific dog training services, while others only use certain training methods. Some dog training schools have experienced trainers and others are only just starting up. It can be overwhelming and many times, owners will simply pick a name out of the phone book and go from there; however, it is important that you take a bit of time selecting a dog training school and to follow a few tips when you do so. Know your dog breed: Before you select your dog training school, it is important that you really know your dog breed. Every breed responds to training differently and it will affect the method that you train your dog with.

For instance, some breeds are not food driven and you may need to find a trainer that works with other methods of positive reinforcement training. Other breeds do not do well with firm training that use things like correction collars and it is important to avoid trainers that use them. Knowing your breed will help you in finding the perfect training method and that will quickly narrow down your selection of dog training schools. Get to know the trainer: After you have narrowed down the dog training schools, take the time to go in and watch a class or two at different levels before you commit to one. When you are there, watch the trainer to see how he or she handles the class and how she interacts with the dogs.

If you find at any time that you don't like the approach the training is taking, move to the next dog training school on your list. If you do like what you are seeing, stay after class and ask the trainer what areas he teaches in, the number of dogs in a regular class, and how he breaks the class up into groups. Also find out what his experience is and if he has worked with your breed before. If the trainer hasn't, you may want to find a different trainer since you will see the best results if the trainer knows and understands your specific breed. Ask for references: When you are at the stage where you have a dog training school, stop and ask for references.

Make sure that you get references for both the training that will be working with your dog and also the dog training school in general. Although references are important, you should never rely solely on the references provided by the dog training schools. Instead, take the time to do a little internet research for past clients of the dog training school and to also ask your vet or other pet owners if they have heard anything, good or bad, about the dog training schools you are looking into. You will be surprised by the number of people who can offer you a bit of information. Know where you are going:

The last tip that I am going to mention when you are selecting a dog training school is to really know what you want from training. If you want basic training, you will actually have a larger selection of dog training schools then if you want a specific type of training such as agility training. Decide on whether you simply want a family pet or you want a dog that competes in agility, obedience or sporting events before you commit to a dog training school. Once you know where you want to go with your dog's training, you can quickly find out which dog training schools offer which training and narrow down your search so you have the best match for both you and your dog.