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Baby Potty Traning Guide Helpful Tips

27 18:03:09
Another technique in baby potty training that works well is to see if they would like to play with some bubbles. If they say yes, ask them to sit bare bottom on the potty first. Take a large empty 32oz yogurt or cottage cheese container and squirt in some soap then fill it half way with touchable warm water to create some bubbles. Then sit close to them, so that they can touch and feel the bubbles and warm water while they sit on the potty. They may sense the flow during the water running, or it may take until they touch and feel the warm water. Remember to hold the container and sit with them while they play with the bubbles. So they don’t spill it and then slip and fall from it. Do this for just a few minutes and remember to keep it fun.

I really believe in this next trick for getting them to go poop, if your child likes to rub lotion on their skin, like mine did. Have her sit down to go potty and put a little bit of lotion on the top of both of her feet. Try to use a thick lotion like Eucerin, then it takes a longer time to rub into the skin, you can put a little dab onto her ankles and legs too if need be. What this does is gets them to relax, redirect their attention and be in a natural pushing position without even knowing it. Which also gets them to let it come naturally. Try to do this during their routine poop time. If you can stay on an exact routine time for eating, sleeping and activities, your child will develop a bowel movement routine. They should have a predictable pooping time. This is when you want to try the lotion on their feet

After they have gone pee and poop a couple of times I like to let them run around with a long dress or shirt on and be bare bottom, no diaper or pull up. This gives them a chance to really fell the urge and take control of there senses. You will, of course have to watch them like a hawk and not let them out of your site, or you will have unwanted accidents for sure. So be sure to schedule out a set block of time to commit to this tactic. So you can give undivoted attention to do this. When they start to hold their hand over their pee pee or make a sudden look or any other signal to you, then quickly (WITHOUT DRAMA/HOLLERING OR SCARRING THEM) scoop them up and head to the potty. Don’t do this unless you are comfortable doing it calmly.

Try the reward program. Have a little basket of small trinket toys they can pick from, for every successful trip to the potty. If he likes M&Ms use them. If she would respond to a sticker chart to see the progress, try that. Again keep it fun and positive.

You can move outside if the weather permits. Boys could pee on a designated spot if you feel comfortable about that. Or you could have the potty chair out there too. Do what works for you.

It was suggested recently that I add this next tip. I’m not a big fan of blue toilet bowl cleaners but you can use them for a temporary time period and show them that the water truns green when they finish going pee. Or you can add food coloring to the bowl of their potty chair and they can change the color when they pee.

Don’t attempt the trying stage during major changes. Like moving, divorce, daycare changes, work changes, death ect. It will be hard on baby and you. Wait until your child is in a possitive state of mind.