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Baby Potty Training Guide Step 2 Showing

27 18:02:47
STEP TWO SHOWING"?"Sometimes this step can coincide with step one. Time to get a potty chair.
This can be an exciting thing or a casual thing. If your child loves to get presents or picking out things at the store then make it a celebration. Either wrap one up all pretty as a gift or let them pick one out. You know your child best, so you know what they would prefer. If you feel that going shopping or opening up a gift/present is too much, because your child eases into everything slowly. Then make it a casual thing and just place the potty where they can discover it on their own. Be sure to let them lead the way at first, you should not ask them to use it yet, unless they insist. We still need to do more showing first. Just explain to them, "??this is your own potty to go pee or poop on"??. Leave toilet seat adapters, for after they are using the potty chair on regular basis. Sometimes the big potty is too high, sometimes it"??s being used. Using the big potty can be too scary yet. Some kids like their new potty chair, they can sit on it with their clothes on or off. They can stand on it with the lid down and use it for a step stool. They can sit and read a book on it. It is all up to them. They should leave it in the bathroom, so they know that is its proper place. Pull ups are a great thing for helping to potty train but they are not necessary. Your child can pull them up and down all by themself. You can explain what the pull ups can do and they can take them off when they use the potty chair and pull them back up when they are done. The best way to show is to actually show them how to go potty. Be the role model. Not everyone is comfortable with someone watching them use the potty but this is the most valuable tool. They will really see first hand what this is all about. If you are just not comfortable about doing that this, then don"??t do it, they will sense your discomfort and associate it with potty training and that will have bad results. If you are comfortable with it, then do it, do it every chance you get. Tell them you have to go sit on the potty and ask them if they want to come with you. They can either watch you or they can sit on their potty. This is the time to tell and show all of the steps. Pulling down your pants, sitting down on the potty, going potty, wiping, pulling your pants back up, flushing and then washing. You could even let them flush the potty for you. If you have another child that can show the process, that is great too. I urge all dads and older brothers to sit during the showing stage with boys. This makes it easier for having bowel movements and little boys are not accurate at aiming during the potty training stage. You don"??t want to be frustrated about their peeing all over the place, they will sense it and regress. Dads and brothers will need to show how they need to push their pee pee down so the pee goes into the potty.