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Cat-221: Ca Technologies Ca Clarity Ppm V13.x Professional Certification

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CAT-221 exam is a standard exam that confirms the ability of CAT professionals to handle the latest devices and technologies offered by CA technologies. This exam sets the standard for those who are planning to upgrade into higher levels of certification.

CAT-221 Exam is a professional test that validates the knowledge of an Individual’s knowledge in the configuration, management, implementation, troubleshooting and Administration of technologies offered by CA technology products. The CAT-221 exam is also referred to as CA clarity PPM v13. This CAT exam validates the competency of an expert to manage all technologies owned by CA technology.
The exam structure for CAT -221 exam is that of a prometric arrangement, the exam itself comprises of 50 questions , which must be completed within 1 hour and 15 minutes. This exam comprises of multiple answer questions as well as multiple response questions, the pass mark for this exam is 70% and failure to meet this pass mark means you have to re-apply and do the exam again. One of the good things about CAT-221 exam is that those who fail it on their first sitting can re-apply and take the exam in no less than 30 days.
The CAT-221 exam is recommended for Individuals and group of private practitioners who have been using CAT technologies in their IT operations. In some cases, organizations often sponsor their technical IT staffs for the CAT certification exam. Passing this exam will automatically qualify the individual to become a CAT partner.
The CAT-221 exam comprises of three basic components and experts recommend that an individual preparing for this exam gets classroom and hands on training in these three basic topics. The exam topics are;
� CA clarity PPM v13 Installation 200 � this topic makes up 42% of the total exam
�CA clarity PPM v13 Integration 300- this topic makes up 12% of the total exam questions
� CA clarity PPM v13 studio Configuration 300 � this component makes up 34% of the total examination.
The CA clarity PPM v13 Installation 200 is the course module that teaches a trainer the basic principles of configuring the components of CA gadgets. The Architectural design of all CA technologies depends on the ability of an expert in this field to configure and deploy each component device within the network structure to provide uninterrupted working of the system. This topic makes up the largest component of the exam structure , therefore a candidate who specializes in this area will likely score higher in the exam depending on how well he or she passes other topics. The CA clarity PPM v13 studio configuration topic is about how to configure the CA technology data center.
The benefits of passing a CAT-221 exam and becoming a certified expert in the field will enhance the employability of the beneficiary, many employers in the industry consider certified CAT professionals when employing. Passing CAT-221 exam will automatically qualify you to become a partner of the CA technology which will give you access to many resources and discount seminars and CAT products.