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Fast And Easy Cat Training And The Lies Told To Owners

27 18:00:57
Want a new job? Well, try taking on cat training. Yes, I must admit, I hate cat training and all the dedication that goes into it; however, I adore a well behaved kitty and there is nothing that will produce that except for consistent and thoughtful cat training. You might think about sending your cat to obedience classes? But, save your money and don't even bother with it. With the correct training, your cat can become a well behaved addition to your loving family...and all without spending a bundle on expensive classes!

If you want a well behaved cat, then the first step to consistent training. Proper cat care depends on your consistency. How does cat training in 10 minutes sound? Like a pack of lies! If you think that just spending a few minutes a day with your cat will yield the results you are looking for, then you are in for some heart break!

Now...get serious. Cat training in ten minutes sounds good on paper, but training is all about consistency and reinforcement. Training aids are one thing that will make cat training a lot easier on you and your cat. The following aids are great ways to improve cat behavior and that all-too-distinct curious "style".

A necessary part of cat world is a proper litter tray. One of the disadvantages of keeping a cat indoors is dealing with their dirt. Litter trays will become extremely useful at this point. Litter trays will keep the duty where it belongs and makes cleaning up after your feline friend a lot easier. Some people even choose to toilet train their cat for even easier potty clean-up.

Cat grass is a fabulous invention. Since cats are such curious creatures and they love to chew and chomp, having cat grass available will allow them to enjoy a plant of their very own.

Just like most humans, cats love to nest and so they need a place to do so. Cats enjoy going to lofty spots in order to take in their surroundings. It is their way of seeking company. To keep them from tromping over furniture, have a nesting spot for your cat. This should be elevated and comfortable. Rub a treat into the spot, when it is first created, as a way to attract the cat. After that, your cat will want to return to its new found "kitty haven".

Obviously, this is not all of the cat training aids there are available. Treats offer a fun way of positive reinforcement, yarn and balls are good for exercise, a toy mouse on a stick...there are tons! Most importantly tolerance and consistency are still two crucial parts of cat training (even with aids). Plus remember, this is not a form of "cat training in ten minutes".

The thing to know is that cat training in ten minutes just isn't real. Cats, like many animals, will require training to be incorporated into their daily lives in order for it to work. Despite this, training your cat is worth all the efforts. The good behavior of your cat is reward enough and you can relax, knowing that peace will reign within your home.