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Why Sisal Posts Are So Important For Cats

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Keeping your cat’s nails short can be achieved through regular clipping. However, this can be traumatic for your cat if it’s not used to it. Therefore, providing a sisal cat scratching post to keep your cat’s claws neat and tidy will prevent infection, inflammation and general discomfort for your feline.

The sisal rope is a 100% natural product made from leaves of the sisal plant. It is beneficial to the health of the cat’s claws and cats just love its smell. Sisal is irresistible to cats as they enjoy the texture of it immensely. The material itself is relatively soft and not harmful in the slightest to your cat’s claws, while still being satisfying to scratch. Providing a sisal cat scratcher is great for your cat’s physical and mental well-being.

Cat scratch fever

Cat owners often have a problem with their cats scratching home furniture. Cats do this for several reasons. Firstly, they want to mark their territory. People often think of urination when the marking of territory is mentioned. However, scratching marks out land marks that belong to the cat. You’ll notice that they scratch the walls and furniture near where they eat, sleep and play. This can be harmful to their claws, as the tough materials of the wall and sofa amongst other things could cause the claws to break and splinter, leaving the cat at risk of infection and inflammation. So, providing cat with scratching post will give it own territory to scratch that won’t be harmful to claws, and will help keep them worn down and healthy.

Secondly, cats scratch to relieve tension and stress, and to exert energy. As much as cats sleep, they also have a lot of energy and if they don’t exert it on a scratching post, they’ll take it out on your expensive sofa or table legs. Cats enjoy stretching, and the motion of elongating its body, stretching and flexing helps the cat’s flexibility, muscles and bones. Providing your feline with a sisal cat scratching post will help burn even more energy, helping to keep your cat active, healthy, fit and ultimately happy.

Disciplining your cat

A lot of cat owners dislike disciplining their cat. On one hand, you don’t want your expensive upholstery to take another scratching, but on the other you realise the cat is only doing something which is completely natural to it and it’s not doing it to upset you. Instead of disciplining your cat for only following its instinct, teach you cat to scratch a sisal post and that will prevent your cat from scratching your belongings. The sisal will naturally attract the cat, drawing it over to where it will eventually start scratching. The combination of not being scolded for doing something completely natural, and having a soft, pleasant material to scratch will result in your cat focusing its energy on scratching post. If you are short with the money you can try to make a scratcher even they are not so expensive.